(Epilogue) Together

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The girl smiled as she read through a million notes, all neatly written and organized into a singular massive book.

Besides her stands a tablet,  filled to the brim with searches and questions that would probably take years to read and answer through.

In front of her is a computer,  a big and slightly old looking computer which was on a certain music website.

And on her head are some pink headphones, quite big and quite flashy looking headphones.  You most certainly can't go out with those on you're head.

And just as she grabbed her pen,  the door behind her opens. "Mary? " A soft voice said "We're going out, are you coming?"

"Yeah mom! I'm coming!" she says quickly as she closes the giant book. She quickly neaten things out,  putting the tablet on the cupboard and the headphones neatly on the computer. She was much more organized than her mother, that's for sure.

She quickly walked out of the room and smiled while greeting her parents. "Where are we going Ma? " she asked with Curiousity beaming in her eyes

The mother grinned, "it's a secret. Now come on, dad is waiting.  She says,  a smile always upon her face.

As they came out of the door,  they were greeted by a young looking man.

"Well then,  are we ready to go on an adventure little one?" he says happily,  while lifting his little girl up. The girl simply and aggressively nodded her head in agreement.

As the girl ran straight towards the elevator,  the boy and girl were left alone. "She sure is like you." the boy said with a smile upon him.

"No,  she is a mix of both of us." The girl replied back " A lot of interest in studying, and a little interest in causing chaos."

"Hey, That's not fair!" the boy replied back. " I was only slightly mischievous back then.. " he said, looking away from the girl.

"Well,  I wasn't the one who changed my legal name in the last year of highschool for a bowl of ramen." The girl said, a sly smile on her face.

"Hey, free food is good alright."
"Well,  I don't know if changing your name to "legend man " for over a year was worth it for unlimited ramen."
"It is."

"Ma?  Pa?"  A voice came through the hallway, and it was only then that the couple leaped to follow their daughter.

After making a quick elevator trip,  they eventually found their car.  An old,  yet nevertheless still reliable old car.

And with that,  they were off to Mary's little surprise.

"So Ma, how's you're school years?" Mary asked happily. The girl and boy quickly froze up,  and the girl stared back slightly nervously

"why are you suddenly asking that Mary? "  the girl asked, slight nervous in his voice.  "Well,  I wanna know how middle school is like!  I'm going to go there soon after all." she explains,  still with a joyous voice.

The girl glances at the boy,  he quickly glanced back and winked.

"it's great hun,  its fun." the girl said nervously while glancing at her husband

" No no no, IT'S A PA-" her husband exclaimed before being slapped.
"No,  it's good.  Don't listen to You're dada, he is lying." the girl said back.

And the rest of The trip was filled with the wife trying to stop her husband from terrifying their child with middle school stories.

Alas the car stopped, and the family finally stepped out.  Of course with it being a surprise, Mary's eyes were covered.

"are you ready? " asked the dad.
"Yes!" Mary replied excitedly

And as Mary saw the sign,  she leaped with joy.  "The Science Fair! How did you know? " Mary asked her parents with a smile across her face.

"We're you're parents after all, and I also wanted to go here as well." the girl said to her daughter. 

Quickly the family sets off to the ticketing booth.

"We have reserved tickets." The lady said  happily to the assistant at the ticketing desk.  "Ah alright, Name please?" The assistant asked.
"Mary,  Lofi, And Alton."

With tickets in hand,  the family quickly entered the fair.  And their child quickly ran off to the fair,  leaving them alone.

"Should we chase her?" Alton asked. Lofi simply smiled, "It's fine, she's safe around here." she said confidently.

The pair quickly sat down at a small bench, they were admittedly a bit tired since their sleep was nowhere near sufficient.

"So... Tom."

" What?  You still remember my name?" the boy asked playfully
Lori could only shook her head in slight disappointment.  "Well OF COURSE.  YOU CHANGED YOU'RE NAME TO A TOUR AGENCY" lofi said,  slightly angry but mostly disappointed.

The boy laughed, " I thought you wanted to go on a vacation! " he said continuing with his playful voice.

" Well yeah,  but you didn't have to literally change you're name to a travel agency you know."

"well,  we aren't going to open the piggy bank for a vacation are we?  I mean we are barely paying the bills."

"Well that's because we had a kid a bit too early don't You think."
"True,  but I certainly don't regret it."

Lori glanced at her husband,  he seemed to be happy, yet thinking of something

"Well,  from that face it looks like there's something you are thinking about." she said to him

Tom glanced back at her.  "Well I mean it's a miracle we could pay for two college and one elementary education,  and one apartment,  and a car,  and all the taxes that come with it when we are still in college ourselves. "

"Well that's because we each have two jobs." Lofi said back.

"and it's worth it" Tom said back happily.

Lofi thought of Tom's words,  and quickly agreed.  Sure it was dumb of them to have a child so early,  and She sure as hell wouldn't recommend it to anyone else. But she loved her daughter, and she loved her husband.

"well,  when college is over next year..." Tom said, seemingly pondering and hesitating.

"Yeah?  What about it?" Lofi  asked.

"let's get Mary a sibling."

Lofi quickly giggled a bit.  "Really?  We can barely afford one child."  she said to Tom.

" Well, that'll change when we graduate. I was just thinking it would be nice to give Mary a sibling to accompany her." Tom said back, trying to convince her.

Lofi simply nodded her head.  "True, and another daughter or son wouldn't hurt." she said to Tom.

"So?  Is that a yes? " Tom asked smiling wide,  His face filled with the emotions of joy and hope.

"Yeah,  let's have another."

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