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Tom brought lofi to the infamary. it was quite nice. And the nurse immediately came to lofi

"Oh lofi. What happened?" The nurse asked

"A group of girls is bullying her." Tom said calmly.

"Well if they did.. they would have been expelled.." the nurse said.

"That's a lot of scars.. I don't know how you'd handle the pain.." the nurse asked.

"Tom. Can you hold her leg?" The nurse asked

"Sure." Tom said blushing slightly

Lofi also turned slightly red.

The nurse putted some alcohol on the leg.


"Sh.. it will hurt just slightly.." the nurse said.

"Don't worry.. everything is going to be alright.." tom reassured.

Lofi just blushed more. After awhile the nurse lift her hand

"Alright.. here I'll put on some bandages.." the nurse said grabbing the bandage.

After awhile the nurse patched up lofi.

"Alright.. please tell me if that happens again. It could have been infectious!" The nurse said.

"Yes miss." Lofi said

"Tom. I need you to watch lofi. Alright?" The nurse aksed

"Y..yes." tom said nervously.

Both of them went outside the school.

"I told ya you should tell the teacher" tom said

"I guess you do have a point.." lofi said.

"Hey. We've got homework right? Let's go to the library. We can finish it together." Lofi said

Tom blushed slightly before nodding his head.

Both of them went to the local library. It was quite nice and had a lot of books

"Let's sit here?" Lofi suggested

"Sure." Tom said.

They sat at a small table. It was quite nice..

"Alright.. first. math!" Tom said happily

"Hm..." Lofi thought.

"You put the z here?" Tom suggested

"No. See.. the.."

*after a few hours of boring stuff.*

"Phew. At least our homework is done!" Tom said happily

"Yeah! Just ask me anytime you need help" lofi said.

"That really means a lot to me you know." Tom smiled.

"O..oh it's alright.." lofi said.

"now c'mon. I'll take you home." Tom said making lofi more embarrassed

" it's fine.." lofi said

Both of them seperated and lofi rushed back to her house.

"Mom! I'm home.." lofi said

"Lofi! How late are you?!"

"I'm sorry mom I was helping a friend."

Lofis mom look intrigued

"A friend?" She aksed

"Yeah!" lofi said.

"Hm.. alright then. Go back studying ok?" She asked

"Yes mom.." lofi said running back to her room.

She grabbed her earphones and continued studying.

She looked by her side to see some notes

It's been awhile since she felt this happy. I mean.. most if her schedule was studying and more studying.

She barely knew the outside.

"Hm.. I wonder when can I meet him again." Lofi thought.

"As a good friend.." lofi sai

She quickly got rid of the bothering thoughts and went straight back to studying.

Well.. until..

"Lofi?" A voice said behind her.

"Mom? Is there anything wrong?" Lofi asked.

"We need to talk. Now." She said seriously

Her mom brought her downstairs

"Lofi.. the school told me you have been bullied.. is that true?

Lofi only nodded her head

"Hunny.. you could have told me that. That must be why.." she said

" Now. The school told me you had a lot of scars.." lofis mom said

"May I see them?" She asked

Lofi showed her some of the scars..

"Oh.. that must have hurt.."

"Alright at the weekend. I'm bringing you to the doctor."

"Now go back to your room. You shy continue studying."

Lofi went back to her room relieved.

Finally her mom understood her pain.

But just some of it..

She looked at the mirror. Happy

"If it wasn't for that tom boy. I bet mom wouldn't know" Lofi said sadly

But the stresses of school was still getting onto her.

It was stressful unable to do anything. And only being able to read random stuff.

"Maybe I can ask my mom for more things to do." lofi thought.

She decided to focus on studying. After all. It was already quite late. And she had other plans.

She continued to study some subjects. Like history

"The most annoying." Lofi thought

And math.

"The most easy" lofi thought.

After finishing of her stuff. She went to bed.

Everything was going great! Right?

--- To be continued --

Yes it is. Everything is great.

The life behind the lofi girlWhere stories live. Discover now