A gift that I cherish.

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Lofi woke up early that morning.

It was now her very special day after all.

But unfortunately. It was a school day.

"*Sigh* let's just get ready for school" lofi thought.

Sure she wasn't happy with school. But what was she going to do?

She took a shower. And ate her food.
It was alright.

"Mom! I'm going to school!" Lofi said.

"Alright then! See you back home!" Lofi's mom said smiling.

Lofi walked to her school. She was quite early. But she decided it would be fine.

"Hm.. my birthday." Lofi thought silently while smiling.

After walking for some time. She arrived at her school.

When she arrived at her classroom. She found it empty.


" Let's just wait." Lofi thought.

She picked up her book. And began to draw something.

After some time. The door slides open.

"Eh?" Lofi asked

"H..hi lofi." Tom said silently and blushing.

"Tom! How are you today?" Lofi aksed

"I'm fine. Just tired." Tom said.

And he wasn't joking. He looked like he hasn't slept for days.

Suddenly. Something caught lofi's eye.

"Eh? Tom? What happened to your arm?" Lofi aksed

"I.. nothing." Tom said embarrassed slightly.

It wasn't hard to know that he was lying

"Can I take a look at your hand?" Lofi asked.

Tom nodded his head and showed her his arm

There was a bandage on one of the finger. And his hand looked rugged.

"Tom? What did you do last night?" Lofi aksed worried.

"I..it's nothing.. I just fell." Tom said obviously lying.

Lofi knew when he lies like that. That he doesn't want to talk about it

"Alright then.." lofi said

Tom sat at his chair embarrassed.

After some time. The teacher came to the class.

Almost nothing out of the ordinary happened. Lunch was normal. And almost nothing special happened.

*The end of school*

"Well.. see you soon tom." Lofi said

"Good bye lofi! See you later tonight." Tom said blushing slightly.

Lofi blushed too. Before tom walked back to his house.

"Alright! Let's get the finishing touch!" Tom thought

Tom began to work on something that he had worked for some time.

"Alright.. do this.. and this.." tom said.

Tom seemed to be exhausted. And seemed tired

After a few hours. Tom finally finished his special gift.

"Hm.. shouldn't I add something here?" Tom asked.

Tom painted some extra things.

"Beautiful!" Tom thought.

The life behind the lofi girlWhere stories live. Discover now