Those 3 words

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After waiting for awhile. Playing with her hair. The rain finnaly stopped. In it's replacement. A sunny sun and clear fluffy clouds.

Tom looked out. The sun shines to his eyes.

" AH!  Nope nope." Tom said immediately covering his eyes.

Lofi meanwhile has just awoken from her sleep. Slightly sleepy she looked around the little hut.

It's been hours. And they knew they were very very late.

" Hey tom.'

" Hey lofi! "  Tom replied

"How was your sleep?"

"Pretty good"

They both quickly grabbed their stuff. They were going back after all

"You ready lofi?" Tom aksed

"Yep! Don't worry" lofi replied excitedly

"Get ready. Cause we're gonna get lost." Tom replied

They quickly began trying to retrace their path. But quickly forgotten and lost the road.

Walking and walking was very tiring. After all. They needed to get. Home and who knows how long they've been outside.

The road became quite hard to go through. And climbing was definitely not a good idea.

"What should we do?" Tom asked lofi.

"Let's take a breath. And gather our energy" lofi replied.

They both looked around. The area. Foresty terrain a bit further away. And a swampy area in front of it

The wind blew very much. And after nearly falling twice. They both agreed to walk again

" Hey look!" Lofi said to tom

"What is it?' Tom asked back

"A little bill. Let's climb it." Lofi said

"You crazy? We can't climb that?" Tom aksed

"C'mon! We can get a better view up there" lofi said pushing Tom

"Please.." lofi said tom

" Ah! Fine. Let's go" Tom said defeated

" Yes! Let's go!" Lofi said excited

The hill wasn't far from they were. But it was a bit steep. And walking to it was no Easy task

"Ah! Mud." Lofi said

"Oh this is swampy area... Make sure your stuff doesn't get wet!"  Tom replied

"I fuckin won't"

Walking a while. They soon arrived at the bottom of the hill. Not wasting any time they quickly set off

" Y'know. I don't think this is a good idea y'know"

" Ah c'mon Tom! We can do it."

"You know we don't have any equipment.." Tom said worriedly.

" It's al.. OW!" lofi screamed she tripped on a rock and fell

" I told ya!" Lofi said rushing to her.

His face was full of worries.  He quickly looked at the wound on the leg.

" Let's wash it with water first" Tom said

"Ah.." lofi said in pain

"It'll sting a bit"

Tom rubbed his hand softly.  Trying to get all the dirt off.

After making sure the wound is clean he got a knife and cutted a bit of his shirt

The life behind the lofi girlWhere stories live. Discover now