After realization

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Lofi layed down at her bed. Thinking about tom. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

"Well.. I know i like him.. I think. But I don't know what to do.." lofi thought

she never really had a crush since she was so busy at school so she doesn't exactly knew what to do.

She knows romantic novels. But she never tried it in real life..

And she wonders one thing

"Does tom like me too?" Lofi aksed herself

" How am I supposed to even meet him?!" Lofi said a bit red

She tried to get some sleep but still was thinking about Tom

Tom was also thinking the same.
But it was late at night. And they both finally gotten some sleep

*The next day*

She woke up quite early and went downstairs

"Hey mom!" Lofi said excitedly

"Hey lofi... How's your sleep?' lofi's mom aksed

"It was great!" Lofi said happily

"That's good. Here is some cake for breakfast!" Lofi's mom said handing it over.

"I got us a cake to celebrate about your time. thing"

Lofi blushed heavily

"Thanks mom.." lofi said nervously

Lofi ate the cake happily

" So.. mom? Can also you something?" Lofi aksed

" yeah? What is it lofi?" Lofi's mom aksed

"W..what did you do to get dad?" Lofi aksed

Lofi's mom looked at lofi

" Ah.. I just continued to hang out with him. And just help him whenever he needed help." Lofi's mom said.

" We became really close friends.. and then on one winter day. He confessed to me." Lofi's mom said

"and that's how I met your dad. And how I made you." Lofi's mom said

Lofi was pretty interested but unfortunately it was time for her to go to school

"Bye mom! See you soon!" Lofi said

"Bye lofi. Stay safe." Lofi's mom said.

Lofi began walking to school. The day was nice. And the birds were chirping.

And soon she met tom

"Hey lofi!" Tom said

"Oh hey tom!" Lofi said

Lofi became more confident now around tom and tom was more confident around lofi.

"Well.. let's go!" Lofi said

Lofi and tom became more close after the whole.. thing.

And the rumors about them gets even more wilder.

They talked at their way to school
And after awhile. They arrived at school. And sat down at the class

*A few hours pass*

"Hey guys. Today I have a big announcement!" The teacher said

" The school is having their ussual camping trip this year. And here's the plan.

The trip will last for 1 week.  And will
Be very exciting! With new event's. Well be departing in a few more weeks.

Get ready everyone!"

Lofi and tom looked at each other. 

"Well.. this should be fun!" Lofi said

"Uh... I don't know.. I've rarely traveled outside the city" tom said.

"Well. This is our chance!" Lofi said.

"I guess.. so. Let's get ready" tom said

They both paid attention to the teacher before it was time for lunch.

They quickly sat at their spot. And they began to talk.

"So.. are you excited for the new trip?" Lofi aksed

"Of course! It's just.. a bit.. scary." Tom said a bit nervously.

"Has the school ever done this?' tom aksed

"Yeah. But only this class.. it's tradition."  Lofi said giggling slightly.

"Well.. I hope it will be fun." Tom said

"Yeah.. so. Let's get some snacks for the trip!" Lofi said

"Alright then.. so.. what do you have for lunch?' tom aksed

"Some.. chicken. And a hotdog." Lofi said

"How about you?" Lofi asked

"Some stir fry noodles." Tom said

"Oh.. that looks really good" lofi said.

"Well. Let's eat!" Tom said.

"If you want. I can share some for
you.." tom said blushing slightly

"O..oh thanks.." lofi said.

"Hm.. it's really good." Lofi said back

"Thanks. My mom's special.." tom said.

They enjoyed their meal and went back to class.

After awhile. Class was over. And lofi waited outside for tom.

"Hey lofi!" Tom said

"Yo tom. So. Let's get ready for our trip" lofi said.

"How about the library?" Tom aksed

"A..ah.. yeah... Let's just go somewhere else." Lofi said covering her face

"O..oh yeah." Tom said after remebering.

"Well.. let's just go to the park." Tom said.

*A few minutes of walking later*

Tom bought some Ice cream and snacks while lofi pulled out her canvas.

"Hm.. you got me strawberry flavor?" Lofi asked

"Of course! So.. what should we bring?" Tom aksed

"Well snacks.. clothing. And lamps." Lofi said

"Oh.. how about batteries?' tom aksed

"That's a good idea too.. but I don't exactly know what's the event though" lofi said

"Oh. What is it for?" Tom aksed

"It's for us to be more independent from our parents. And.. something else I think." Lofi said.

"Hm.. I can't wait!" Tom said.

"Me too.."

They talked about the trip. And some others. They talked about paintings. Family. And normal stuff.

And soon. It was late. And they went back home

"So.. I guess we'll talk later huh?" Tom aksed

"Yeah.. see you later tom." Lofi said

"See you later. Lofi.." tom said

They walked back home. And sat at their beds.

"I can't wait for the trip!" They both thought

--- To be continued ---

Well.. next chapter is traveling! Hope y'all enjoy it.

See ya all later.

Also sorry for the reck of my schedule. Y'know. Life gets busy.

Also the story is coming to an end soon. And I have no idea what to write next.


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