the earphone issue

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"it couldn't be that hard.. right?" Tom aksed himself

Little did he knew. He was going to regret even trying

A few hours later..

"hm.. why do I need glue again?" Tom aksed himself

It was late at night and he was trying to fix lofi's earphones.

"Stick this... In here?"

After some hard work..

"Put metal to.. what?"

Tom wasn't great at electronics.. but he had the internet.. and that's what he needed

"... Why do I need skin?"

"Oh.. hm.. some of.. whatever this is.."

"And the main chip.." tom thought.

Also he shipped part of it to a specialist so he didn't destroy it even more.

"Now.. a bit of.. sewing?"

After a few times. And the needles constantly hitting him.

"Hey? Am I bleeding?"

"Nah.. it's fine" tom thought

After some more hours. It was already back to the morning and he hadn't gotten a single hour of sleep.

"Hm.. it's morning.. It's morning?" Tom aksed

"Well.. let's just add.. a bit of extra stuff." Tom thought.

After a few more minutes. He went downstairs and made himself a cup of coffee.

He soon went. Up and got ready for school.

He packed the earphone. And quickly set out back to school.

After a few minutes her arrived. And sat down at the chair.

He waited patiently until..

"Oh? Tom! How are you?" Lofi aksed

"Hey lofi.. I'm alright.." tom said.

Tom grabbed the earphones and handed it over to lofi

"Here you go.. " tom said

"Oh! You actually did it?" Lofi said

"Yup! How is it?" Tom aksed

"'s really nice. And it looks new!" Lofi said.

" Do you like it?" Tom aksed

"I love it!" Lofi said happily

Tom smiled slightly.

" Hey tom.. what happened to your hands?" Lofi aksed

"Oh? Ah! It's well.. just a few injuries.." tom said

"A few... But.. what HAPPENED?" Lofi aksed

"Its.. nothing.." tom said.

"No! I'm bringing you to the school nurse!" Lofi said

"B..but you don't need to.." tom said

"C'mon now!" Lofi said.

Lofi brought tom to the nurse room only to find it empty.

"Ah right.. the nurse hasn't arrived.." lofi thought

"Tom how about you sit somewhere?" Lofi aksed

"B..but.." tom said

"C'mon!" Lofi said

Lofi grabbed bandages.. down sort of medicine. And alcohol..

"Alright.. here ya go.." lofi said

Lofi grabbed Tom's hand and poured the alcohol to the wounds.

"Alright.. then.. put the cotton.."

"And then the medicine"

After putting the antibiotics and medicine. Lofi rapped up his hand with bandages

"Aw!" Tom said

"Don't worry.. it shouldn't last long.." lofi said.

After all of that. Tom sttod up.

"There it's done" lofi said

"Thanks lofi.." tom said embarrassed slightly

"It's fine. Now c'mon! Let's go back to class" lofi said.

They both went back to the class.

"He's a really nice guy.. he cares and really is a fragile type.

"He's kinda my type too.." lofi thought

"Or I will jump of a roof if I think about this again." Lofi said blushing heavily.

After some hours. The class was over. And it soon became lunch.

"Hm.. lofi?" Tom asked

"Wanna eat together?" Tom said blushing slightly.

Lofi agreed.  White blushing.

" Hey tom.. can j ask you something?" Lofi aksed

"Yeah! Anything for you!" Tom said.

" Can we meet at the park? I want to ask you something." Lofi said.

Tom blushed and agreed.

"Sure.. so.. wanna try my food?" Tom aksed.

"Lofi nodded her head. Since tom was eating something delicious."

Tom grabbed a spoon. And fed lofi.

"Eh? Tom?" Lofi asked

"Cmon! I thought you wanted to try some of my food." Tom said.

Lofi blushed heavily. And ate the food.

"How was it?" Tom aksed.

"'s good.. it's really delicious." Lofi said.

"Glad you like it." Tom said.

"Well.. here. Since you give me some food " lofi said grabbing her spoon

"L.. lofi you don't need to you know." Tom said

Lofi just ignored him.

Tom finally ate the food.

"How is it" lofi aksed red

"'s really good." Tom said. Blushing

After some stuff and more talks. The class bell rang

After some few hours. The class was over.

"Tom let's go to the park!" Lofi said.

"O..ok calm down" tom said blushing.

Lofi brought tom to the park.

"The park is really nice today." Lofi said.

"Yeah.. so. What do you want to talk about?"

"Uhm.. tom can I ask you for something?" Lofi aksed

"What is it?" Tom aksed.

" Can you take off your hoodie?"

--- To be continued ---

Well.. what will happen next?

I have no clue. Seriously. I'm kinda on the line.

So cya soon!

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