When the sound of Harley yelling in pain was heard by Bucky, he was quick to get out of bed and go check on her.
"Har? Harley Spade don't you pass out!" He said as he entered the room where the cell was, seeing Harley holding her head and her eyes slowly closing.
"What's with the yelling? It's like three in the morning." Tony said as he came Into the room. "Oh Jesus." He then said, seeing Harley unconscious on the ground.
They opened up the cell and Bucky went in first, carefully flipping Harley over so she was facing the ceiling rather than the floor.
"Jarvis check vitals." Tony said as Jarvis, his AI robot, checked Harley for a heartbeat.
"Sir I have detected a heartbeat and a rather small concussion. Shall I call emergency services?" Jarvis said.
"No, they'll lock her up because of hydra." Bucky said. "I can just stay here and keep an eye on her until the morning."
"you want to be locked in a cell with someone who could go insane at any second?" Tony asked with a small laugh.
Bucky nodded. "Tony, I've known her my whole life. I think I can handle a crazy hydra agent after being one myself." He said.
Tony nodded, leaving the cell and closing it back up. "Let me know if she goes insane or anything." He said, walking out of the room.
Bucky nodded and leaned up against the wall, holding onto Harley carefully in his lap.
"What are we going to do with you Har." He said with a small laugh.
It felt nice for Bucky to hold her again, he thought that after hydra she could've been dead. He didn't remember seeing her when he was let out of the ice, probably because his memory was wiped.
"Bucky? W-What are you doing in here?" Harley asked as she started to open up her eyes.
"You screamed and then passed out. Tony and I came to check on you and turns out you got a concussion." He said. "Any idea how that happened? There's nothing in here that could've caused that besides you banging your head on the wall."
Harley shrugged. "I don't know. But it felt like the thing hydra used to wipe out our memory. Like, that sharp pain." She said, placing her head down on Bucky's shoulder.
Bucky rubbed her head and said, "so you think there's something else in your head that Bruce missed? He said he got everything out."
"I-i don't know. I've heard some hydra agents or soldiers, whatever the heck we're called, got some sort of power.. what if I got that and it's like just kicking in?" Harley said, looking up to Bucky's face.
Bucky nodded. "Maybe. But that doesn't explain the concussion." He said, raising an eyebrow as he looked down to her face. "Get some sleep, and don't go crazy on me." He joked.
Harley laughed a little bit and placed her head back down onto Bucky's shoulder, "Goodnight buck."
"Goodnight Har."
"Bucky may I ask how the hell you got in there and didn't get killed by her or Tony.." Steve said as he came in to check on Harley the next morning.
"Did you not hear the scream last night?" Bucky asked, motioning his head to the sleeping Harley.
Steve shook his head. "No.. what happened?"
"She screamed at like three in the morning, I guess to Tony and I were the only ones who heard. She somehow got a concussion and thinks hydra gave her some sort of power." Bucky said. "Tony let me stay here for the rest of the night to keep an eye on her."
Steve nodded. "I wouldn't be surprised if hydra managed to give her a power. I mean, she was frozen in ice for like seventy years and injected with who knows what." He said, opening the cell and sitting down beside Bucky and Harley.
"Stop talking about me you bozos." Harley said as she began to wake up. "And the only thing I remember from hydra was the first time being in the chair. After that it's all blank until now."
"Hey hey hey, do I not get a hug from my best friend who I thought was dead? I mean come on." Steve complained, standing up and putting his arms out.
Harley sighed and stood up too, giving Steve a hug. "Your not mad at me for almost killing you.. right?" She asked with a small laugh.
"Har, we know that wasn't you out there. That was what hydra calls the Summer soldier. Same thing happened to me and I was called their winter soldier." Bucky said. "But, Steve definitely would've been dead if I didn't come save the day."
Harley laughed.
"Oh come on, I could've handled without you. I mean, look at me." Steve said, holding up his arm and flexing his muscles.
Harley just shook her head. "Yeah but your weapon is literally a shield. I had what, two guns?" She said.
"Oh whatever. I'm just glad your kinda back to normal besides this power thing you've got going on." Steve with a small laugh.
Harley smiled and sat back down. "This laughing is giving me a headache. But seriously, is there like anything that can fix this concussion faster..?"
Before either of them could answer, Tony came into the room to check in on Harley. "Cap? When did you get in here?" He asked, seeing Steve with Bucky and Harley.
"Not too long ago." Steve replied.
Tony nodded. "Well anyways, Harley we have a room for you to stay in since your clear of the hydra craziness. Also, how's your head?"
Harley shrugged. "Could be better. It feels more like a headache than a concussion though. But like a bad headache." She said, Bucky and Steve helping her up.
"Well, that's what a concussion feels like Spade." Tony said, "you fought in World War Two, you had to've gotten some sort of concussion."
Harley laughed. "Oh stark. I was too busy getting almost killed by bombs and getting captured by hydra to get a concussion. Now, does this room have a bed that I can sleep in or do I get a pillow on the floor?"
Tony nodded his head. "You've got a bed, but if you prefer a pillow on the floor I could make that happen."
Harley sarcastically rolled her eyes. "Nope, I'm keeping the bed."
Bucky and Steve lead her to her room while the others slowly began to wake up.
The room that Harley was staying in was definitely something she would never expect to sleep in. The modernized furniture and the bathroom in the room was something you'd expect a rich person to have, not a former crazy hydra soldier.
"You alright there spade?" Bucky asked with a small laugh, looking at the shocked girl.
"Your joking. It's so.. nice." She said, slowly walking into the room more, then laying down on the bed. "God I've missed normal beds."
Bucky and steve both laughed and started to head out. "Well I'm assuming your going to sleep but I'll come back when breakfast is ready." Bucky said, shutting the door behind him as he left.
And Harley did just that. The soft mattress and pillows made her instantly relax and fall asleep.

✔️The Summer Soldier ||Bucky Barnes||
FanfictionWhile war was going on, best friends Steve Rogers, Harley Spade, and Bucky Barnes all joined in. However, each of them "died" and soon meet again seventy years later.. but not under their preferred circumstances. ⚠️TW⚠️ Mentions things like: -abuse...