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Harley spent the remainder of her afternoon getting ready for this party. She wants it to go way better than the last party, hoping Thor wasn't an idiot and brought Loki with him.

Slipping her new dress on, she stood in front of the mirror and admired how good it looked. She completed her look with her straightened hair and small silver heels.

Harley hated to wear heels. When she first arrived to the military, the commanders all made her wear heels so she would match her height with Peggy, who also wore heels all the time.

"You better not be naked!" Nat said as her and Wanda barged into Harley's room, scaring the brunette.

The three girls examined each other, admiring how good they all looked. "Yup, we definitely look hot." Harley said with a smirk.

"Yes we do ladies. Now let's go before even more people show up." Wanda said with a smirk, grabbing the girls arms and walking towards the main room where the party was.

As they rounded the hallway and began down the stairs, Harley looked around at the crowded room amazed. "Who did tony invite? The whole city? I bet half these people don't know who Thor even is."

"Yeah, but don't tell Thor that. It'll break his big Asgardian heart." Wanda said with a small laugh as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

The girls made their way to the bar, sitting down and getting some drinks. "So? Where's lover boy?" Nat asked Harley with a smirk.

"No clue." Harley answered, "usually he's easy to spot with the metal arm."

Harley looked around her, hoping to spot at least Steve or Bucky. But, instead she spotted the long haired god of thunder.

"Thor! Get your ass over here and give me a hug." Harley said with a laugh, watching Thor approach the three of them.

"Ah yes, my favorite Midgardian phsyco soldier. How are you holding up with your training?" Thor said as he took a sip from his drink.

Harley smiled. "Pretty well. But watch out, I could burn you to dust or strike you with lighting at any moment." She teased, quickly revealing the familiar baby blue glow.

"Well, not if I hit you with lightning first." Thor said, holding his hammer up.

Wanda laughed. "You two are to competitive. It's a party, relax a little."

Thor nodded to agree. "Yeah HARLEY." He teased, "but who exactly are these people? You guys are the only people I've seen that I know besides pigeon, dumb, and dumber." Thor continued, pointing to Bucky and Steve sitting with Sam on one of the couches.

"That's where he is!" Harley said, standing up and going over to the three boys, forgetting she was in the middle of a conversation with Thor.

"You guys don't look too bad for once." Harley teased as she sat beside Bucky, smirking at the three.

Nat, Wanda, and Thor came and joined them too, sitting in the other available seats. "No one answered me before, who the heck are these people Tony invited?" Thor asked again.

Each of them shook their heads.

"No clue."

"I asked the same thing."

"Is that a ponytail you've got?" Sam asked Thor, laughing a little bit.

"Yes lord of pigeons, I have long hair." Thor said with a raised eyebrow and a laugh. "You wish you had my luscious locks."

Sam sighed. "FALCON. I'm the FALCON not the PIGEON."

"Pigeon is funnier." Bucky said, Harley nodding her head to agree with him.

As the group began to have a conversation, Bucky smirked and began to whisper into Harley's ear. "You look good doll."

Harley smiled and put her head on his shoulder. "I always do." She whispered back, laughing a little bit. Bucky laughed too.

As the night went on, each of the avengers had proven to drink a large number of drinks each. Yet somehow Harley was the only one who seemed to be drunk.

Wanda just excused herself to bed before she did something she would regret, leaving the others in the main room.

All of the guests had left, leaving the avengers sat around the couch, Thor's hammer sitting in the middle on a coffee table.

"So Thor, what's the deal with the hammer?" Nat asked, motioning her head to the hammer.

Thor smirked. "Only one who is worthy could lift it. Almost a whole town in New Mexico attempted to lift it when i was banished here a few years ago, but no one could besides me. Actually, Clint was there."

"Yes I was, I was told to kill you though." Clint said with a smirk. "You got lucky big guy."

"So are just going to sit here or can I lift the hammer?" Sam asked, wanting to prove to Thor he was insane.

"Go for it."

Sam stood up, using all of his strength to lift the hammer but nothing even moved an inch.

Next was clint, his face going red as he tried to lift it but nothing happened once again.

Tony was being very dramatic when it was his turn, using his iron man gauntlets and even getting Rhodey to help him but it didn't more.

Then Steve stood up, using his strength trying to lift the hammer. A look of fear went to Thor's face as the hammer moved the slightest bit, but no one seemed to notice since it was so small.

"Ladies ladies, let me show you how it's done." A drunk Harley said as she stood up from Bucky's side, placing both her hands on the hammers handle. Her hands began to glow the familiar blue color as she lifted the hammer off the table, a look of shock on everyone's face.

Bucky smirked. "HAH! My girlfriend is worthy!" He said, pointing to Harley who stood there not realizing what she did.

"Worthy of another drink? I think so too." She said, tossing Thor his hammer and sitting back down.

Steve shook his head. "Maybe worthy of a bed time, your one drink away from a blackout, har." He said, pointing to the clock that read one am.

"I've got this one." Bucky said, standing up from the couch and lifting Harley over his shoulder. "Say Goodnight spade."

"Night night." She said with a small giggle as she was carried away.

"I like drunk Harley." Nat smirked.

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