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In the compound, everyone's quick "naps" just turned out to the going to bed early. Harley was having trouble sleeping, the look on Bucky's face when he was dusted away was stuck in her head.

"I'm ok, I'm ok. I love you." His last words repeated in her head.

Harley felt alone. She didn't know if Bucky was actually dead, but she knew it would be while till they would see each other again. So, she ran back to what helped her her cope in the 30's and 40's.


Harley snuck out of the bed, fixing the blanket that laid over summers small body and slipped on Bucky's shirt over her own.

The girl knew that if she was caught in the kitchen drinking, Steve would definitely have a fit. He would say she was being immature about it.

The refrigerator had a couple of beer cans, Harley immediately taking one out and opening it. It was like she could hear how Bucky would yell at her. "Harley Spade I told you to stop drinking this much!"

Within the next ten minutes, Harley had already downed two cans and began to open a third when footsteps started to approach.

She could hear the familiar sigh as the footsteps stopped. "Har.. come on.." Steve said in an almost disappointed tone.

Harley shook her head and began to chug down the third one. "I'm alright Steve, I just needed a drink."

"So you choose three ice cold beers at 3am?" Steve asked, snatching the third can out of Harley's hands.

Harley reached to take it back and groaned when Steve raised it above his head. "Steve give it back!" She whisper yelled, trying not to be too disruptive.

Steve didn't answer. He walked off with the can and dumped it out in the sink. "I know you miss him har. I do too. But I'm not letting you drink your emotions away. That didn't help you in the past and it won't help you now." He said, putting the empty can down in front of Harley.

Harley just stared at the can. She didn't realize she was actually staring at it though until Steve started to talk again, pulling her out of her own thoughts.

"You know we are all here for you to talk. And besides, I don't want you to get into the drinking habit again and scare Summer. The poor kid has no idea what's actually going on."

"But what am I supposed to talk about to you guys, how I watched my child's father disappear right in front of my eyes? Or how about how I have to raise my daughter by myself?" Harley began to rant.

Steve stood there, letting the girl rant on and on about what she should talk about. But it got to the point where it was just too much for her to keep going and she bursted into tears. "I just.. I want to go home.." she cried.

Steve wasn't always the type of person to hug anyone, but he knew that Harley really needed some sense of comfort right now. So, he gave her a hug. "Well you've had two and a half beers already so I'll drive you and summer, ok?"

"Wait your actually letting us go home?" She asked, wiping tears from her eyes and looking up at him.

Steve nodded. "If that's where your going to feel most comfortable, I think that's what's best." He said, beginning to walk away. "I'll get Summer, meet me out in the car."

Harley nodded and walked over towards the front door, grabbing a coat from the coat rack and going out to hers and Bucky's car.

Within the next few minutes Steve came outside with a sleepy Summer. She was waking up a little bit, the crisp air making her cold.

"Mama where are we going?" She asked once Steve put her in the car seat.

Harley sighed and looked back at her. "We have to go home baby."

She could see the disappointment in summers eyes. The poor girl wanted to stay at the compound to hangout with everyone, but she didn't quite understand her mother's pain. "But mama.."

"Don't worry kiddo, you guys can come back tomorrow." Steve said with a small smile to the little girl, seeing her eyes light up with excitement.

"Ok uncle Teve." Summer softly said, drifting back off to sleep.

When they got to Harley and Bucky's house, Harley got summer out of the car seat and started to carry her inside.

"I'll see you tomorrow ok?" Steve said, getting out of the car and handing Harley the keys.

Looking at the keys in confusion, Harley raised an eyebrow. "Don't you need these to get back?"

Steve shook his head. "No, I can just run back."

"Your ridiculous. Just drive." She said, trying to give the keys to Steve.

The man however, refused to take them. "I'll be fine. The roads are clear and I can easily run back. If it gets to the point where I need a ride, I'll call you."

"Ok, fine." Harley said, walking towards her front door. "I better be the first one you call."

Steve nodded and began to walk off, then slowly turning his pace to a jog.

"Mama are we home now?" Summer asked, slowly waking up again.

Harley placed a kiss on her daughters cheek and nodded. "Yes, we are home. You want to sleep in mine and daddy's room tonight?" She asked, unlocking the door and going inside, then locking it again once she shut it.

Summer nodded. The poor girl was too tired to deal with anything else, or even think about anything but sleep. "I want my jammies though."

Harley nodded and brought summer up to her room, helping her change into a soft pain of pajamas, then bringing the girl to hers and Bucky's room.

"Mama why did you and daddy go away?" Summer asked, becoming a little more awake.

Harley smiled a little bit and kissed summers head. "Because mama and daddy had to help our friends save the world."

"Did you do it?"

"No.. no we are still trying."

 ✔️The Summer Soldier ||Bucky Barnes|| Where stories live. Discover now