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While Tony went to the lab to run tests on Harley's blood, Bucky brought Harley to her room and laid her own in her bed. A silence fell throughout the compound, especially since Thor had left for Asgard again.

Bucky sat with Harley on her bed, cleaning up all of her wounds that she had gotten. He was being very careful too, trying his best to not hurt her.

"S-stop.. s-stop.. I'm not helping you." Harley muttered, moving her head around.

Bucky frowned and stopped Harley from moving. "Hey, it's ok. Your home safe." He said, Harley's eyes shooting open as she began to breathe heavily.

"B-Bucky I can't breathe.." Harley said, seeing Bucky was with her.

Bucky rubbed her back and watched how her breathing began to calm down. He knew she was doing better when her body fell into his arms. The heavy breathing was back to a normal rate.

Harley held her head into Bucky's chest and suddenly bursted into tears. She was so overwhelmed about everything that's happened in the past twenty four hours.

Bucky let her cry, he held her in his arms and rubbed her head to she could try to relax. "Shh Shh, har it's ok. They're not going to get you again. We handled them."

He could feel how Harley nodded her head, but continued to hold her. "How do you feel?" He asked.

"Like a piece of meat in a butcher shop. I-I tried to stay strong and fight back but I just.. couldn't. Those stupid bracelets they put on my wrists were dampening this stupid powers they gave me so I couldn't do anything." Harley said, looking up at Bucky.

All Bucky saw was pain on her face. Her eyes were glossy and red from crying, her cheek had a big cut going down it, and she was more pale than usual.

"D-Did anyone get hurt?" Harley asked. She figured that everyone had went to the hydra base to get her. "You didn't bring Parker did you?"

Bucky laughed a little bit. "Everyone's ok. Tony is testing your blood so we can see what they injected into you. And no, spider boy didn't come with us.. Tony would've had a fit if he did."

Harley nodded a little bit, laying back down in the bed and hugging Bucky's arm. "can you stay..?" She asked, not wanting him to leave her just yet.

Bucky nodded. "I'll be here for as long as you need doll."


In the living room, Steve sat on the couch drinking a cup of coffee and waiting for Tony to come back with the results of Harley's blood test.

It completely broke him to have to see Harley in the condition she was in, but he also knows that Bucky is probably going to be even more protective of her now so this doesn't happen again.

"Anything yet?" Nat asked as she came into the living room, sitting down beside Steve. She had just woken up from a small nap, knowing Steve and Bucky could use some of her support.

Steve shook his head. "No. Not yet." He said, taking a slow breath.

Nat understood his stress, everyone was stressed about Harley. They didn't know that someone could possibly go through that much pain just so their friends could be safe.

"Well she's awake. I heard Bucky and her talking before and she sounded upset." Nat said, "I wouldn't go there yet though."

Steve nodded and set his coffee down, standing up from the couch. "I'm going to go check the lab, you coming?" He asked nat as he began to walk off.

Natasha nodded and followed him away to the lab, seeing Tony looking at the results as they walked in.

"So?" She asked, grabbing Tony's attention.

Tony shook his head. "The injection dampened her powers so much that they are just barely there. And I need to stitch up that cut on her cheek." He said, setting the printout of the results down in the lab desk. "Steve can you go get her for me?"

Steve nodded his head and walked out of the lab and towards Harley's room. He wasn't sure if he was ready to see her how she was right now, but he knew he had to.

Knocking on the door, Steve slowly opened it and saw Bucky sitting beside Harley on her bed, Harley's eyes all puffy from crying.

"Hey, Tony's got the results and he needs you har." Steve said, Harley simply nodding her head.

The three of them left the room together, Harley walking slower since she didn't feel well.

"Har, it's going to be ok." Steve said to her.

Harley smiled a little bit. "Why am I always the one getting hurt during these hydra missions." She said in a soft joking tone.

Bucky laughed a little and said "because your too concerned about us and sacrifice yourself. But your pretty good at giving us heart attacks."

Harley smirked and walked into the lab, sitting down in the swivel chair in there. "Tony I don't need a whole story, just tell me what's wrong with me this time." She said, seeing Tony wanted to slowly deliver the news to her.

"If you say so Spade." He started, "the dampening cuffs and injections from hydra dampened your powers so much that they're basically gone, not the most exciting thing for you. But your alright besides that, I just need to give you some stitches over that cut in your cheek."

Harley nodded and said "just do it now while my face is still numb from crying."

Tony gave her a concerned look but did as she said, quickly and safely giving her stitches. "Pretty badass look if I do say so myself." Nat said, looking at the finished result with a smirk.

Harley smirked too and looked in the small mirror. "I mean, it's not too bad looking but I definitely prefer my scar free face."

"Well I think you look great. But can we please get food, I'm starving." Bucky said, rubbing his stomach dramatically.

"Fine, let's figure out something for dinner.." Tony said, knowing he's the one that's going to pay for it anyways.

 ✔️The Summer Soldier ||Bucky Barnes|| Where stories live. Discover now