*back to present time*
"Did you hear that?" Bucky asked after hearing a sort of scream echo through the building.
Everyone listened and heard the yell again, being able to make out the words being yelled. One word that was used helped them figure out who it was immediately.
"I SAID LET GO ASS FACE." The person yelling said.
Bucky shook his head, putting his gun onto his back and walking towards the west end of the building.
"Buck where are you going?" Nat asked as they all followed him.
"That was Harley yelling. There's one more hydra soldier in here and they've got her." He said, moving faster so the soldier wouldn't get away with her.
When the group turned the corner, Bucky laughed a little bit at what he saw.
"I SAID LET GO ASS FACE." Harley had yelled at the hydra soldier, struggling to escape his grip around her.
A smirk formed on her face as she got her arm free, elbowing him in the stomach and getting free. She also made sure to grab his gun before he tried to shoot her.
Lifting the gun, she pointed it at the man sat on the ground. "I said to let me go but you didn't listen. You have ten seconds to explain to me why your here or I will blast that little brain out of your head." She threatened.
The sound of laughter interrupted the moment, Harley turning her head to see the other avengers there.
"Oh so winter and summer soldier in the same room huh? I'm not revealing hydras plans." The soldier said.
Harley smirked, moving the gun closer to his head. "You sure? It would be a shame if I accidentally pulled the trigger."
The hydra agent sat there with a smirk. "You can't do it. Your too soft." He said to her.
Harley knew if she wanted to, she could kill the guy within seconds. "Your forgetting I fought in World War Two. Now speak."
Steve laughed. "Or we could do this." He said, whacking the hydra soldier in the head with his shield, knocking him out.
Harley nodded, a small scoff escaping her lips. "But this would've been more fun. And it took you guys long enough to step in." She said, laughing a little bit as she waved the gun in her hand.
"Remind me to not piss her off." Clint said, knowing she was capable of killing someone.
Harley shrugged her shoulders and walked over to where Bucky stood. "And you sir, I heard you laughing when you found me. Your not very good at keeping it quiet." She said to the man.
Bucky chuckled again. "You'd be surprised how many times I've snuck up in people har." He said, pulling Harley into a hug.
"That's great, but this has been a very tiring day and I need to rest after carrying the team." Harley said with a smirk. "With the hell of Wanda of course." She added.
"What about me! If I didn't catch you, you wouldn't have been able to carry." Peter said, referring to when she jumped off the balcony for Peter to catch her.
"Ok fine, I didn't completely carry by myself. But, I'm still going for a nap. You guys can deal with this guy right?" Harley said, beginning to walk away.
Everyone nodded. "We've got it. Guess we are the ones carrying now." Bucky joked, kissing her forehead before she got away.
Harley held her middle finger up at the avengers behind her as she walked off, making her way to the stairs.
All she could think about was this new power she discovered. It was definitely dangerous, the portals being able to lead to who knows where.
But she pushed those thoughts aside as she entered her room, turning in her shower to clean up before getting some sleep.
As she undressed for her shower, her old scars from harming herself were there, probably because her appearance hasn't changed at all since she was frozen.
Seeing them again brought her back to when she was a teenager, stuck in her abusive home. How the rumors of a world war brought her joy. Not because of the country in danger, but because she could escape.
The recruiters didn't want a girl on their battle fields, the thought making them think they were too desperate. But once they had started training for the men, the commander allowed Harley to attend so he could see what skill she had.
For someone who had never shot a gun before, her aim was on point. The written test satisfied the commander too, a perfect score, which has rarely ever happened.
Looking back, she was happy she experienced it. She was able to show other girls that it was worth a try to accomplish something like that. That women could be strong too.
Harley made sure her shower was quick, the hot water not lasting long since other people were using it too.
"Finally." She said to herself as she sighed in relief, laying in bed after her shower, feeling a slight bit of pain in her shoulder from being grabbed by the hydra soldier.
"Miss Spade I'm coming in!" Bucky said as he knocked on the door, opening it slowly and coming inside.
He noticed how Harley was holding her shoulder, trying not make it obvious. "We got the hydra guy out." Bucky said, sitting down next to Harley.
Harley knew that Bucky had figured out she got hurt, he was being hesitant with what he said. "You know don't you.." she said, leaning back against her headboard and looking at Bucky.
"Maybe. Your good at hiding emotions from everyone except me, you know that. What's wrong with your shoulder?" He asked, lifting harleys hand off her shoulder.
Harley rolled the sleeve on her tshirt up to reveal her shoulder, a bruise beginning to form. "How bad is it?" She asked, squinting her eyes.
"I've seen worse. How'd it happen?" Bucky said, gently placing his hand on her shoulder and feeling the bruise for anything else.
Harley smiled, pulling her sleeve back down. "When the hydra guy grabbed me. I'll survive though, it's just a bruise." She said, giving Bucky a little nudge.
"Good because if hydra knows where we are and knows you figured out your powers, they could come back with some more soldiers."
"Great, I feel so much better now." Harley said in a sarcastic tone, raising an eyebrow.
Bucky just laughed at her, putting his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. "Get some sleep doll. I won't let them get to you yet." He said with a smirk, kissing the top of her head.
"Whatever you say soldier." Harley said in a soft voice, drifting off to sleep.
So the relationship between Harley and Bucky seems awkward rn but it will get better ! Also, I'm writing this chapter the same day I published chapter one so this is exciting :)))

✔️The Summer Soldier ||Bucky Barnes||
FanfictionWhile war was going on, best friends Steve Rogers, Harley Spade, and Bucky Barnes all joined in. However, each of them "died" and soon meet again seventy years later.. but not under their preferred circumstances. ⚠️TW⚠️ Mentions things like: -abuse...