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After the "exciting" day of killing Thanos, the avengers took steves advice and just moved on with their lives. It's been about five years since that's happened though. A very rough five years too.

Summer was now about eight years old, her bright blue eyes and hazel colored hair just reminded Harley of Bucky even more. It's been hard for Harley, she misses her best friend who was also her life partner, a lot.

"Hey mom, are you ok?" Summer asked. The eight year old was moving in from calling Harley mama, just referring to her as mom.

Harley was staring blankly out the kitchen window into the backyard, turning her head the slightest to look at summer. "Sorry hun.. yeah I'm ok."

"Mom, it's ok not to be ok." Summer said, walking over and standing next to her mom.

Harley smiled a little bit and gave her daughter a hug. "When did you get so grown up?" She teased, kissing the top of her head.

Summer giggled. "How about you tell me another story about dad. Talking about him always seems to help for a bit."

The girl pulled her mother's arm, leading her to the couch. "What kind of story are we talking?" Harley asked, leaning back against the couch and raising an eyebrow.

"A fun one. Like, when you guys saw each other again for the first time." Summer said. Harley knew she meant the time hydra sent her to go kill the avengers. The little girl loved that story just because that's the only one Harley ever shared about hydra.

Harley nodded, about to tell her story when her cellphone rang. "One second hun." She said, looking down at the phone and seeing Tony's name.

"What's up Tony?" She asked, answering the phone.

"I figured it out." He blurred out, sounding shocked with himself.

"What did you figure out exactly?" She asked.

"Time travel. Get to the compound ASAP."

"Holy shit." She said, "summer, don't repeat that word." She added, remembering her daughter was right next to her.

Summer nodded and the two of them stood up, going out to the car and leaving for the compound. "What did uncle Tony figure out?" Summer asked.

"Top secret. I'll tell you if it actually works." Harley said, driving off.

When the duo arrived at the compound, Harley ran inside quickly. Summer was running too, just to keep up with her mother.

"You assess better not be kidding with me." She said, running into the meeting room and seeing Tony, Nat, Steve, Rhodey, nebula, Clint, and.. Bruce as the hulk? "When did that happen?" She asked, pointing to Bruce.

The green man shook his head. "Well, I got stuck as the green guy and I learned to handle it."

"Spade, Long time no see." Clint said, his "retirement" coming to a pause since Tony probably called him for help.

Harley smirked. "Well if it isn't sir Hawkeye." Clint laughed and the two turned back to Tony's conversation.

"Look. We obviously can't just go back in time like it's nothing. we need to test it first.. which is why Scott here is our test monkey." Tony said, pointing to the other guy that was in the room.

Harley laughed. "Oh my god, your the guy that totally attacked sam on the roof that time! Sweet!" She said, pointing to the man.

Scott nodded. "How'd you know about that? I thought he wasnt going to tell anyone."

"Well, I checked the cameras one time and found it. So, how exactly do you do your shrinky thing?" She asked, making a little shrink thing with her fingers.

Steve gave Harley a look. "That's not important har." He said, "we need to figure this time travel thing out before we discuss how Scott shrinks himself."

Harley nodded and sat down in one of the meeting chairs while summer was in the living room watching tv.

Tony went over the plan, Bruce seemed to know exactly what he meant so he was going to be the one working the machines.

"If we get this done.. and it works.. d-does that mean..?" Harley asked hesitantly, scared of what her answer could be.

Steve nodded. "Yes. We can get them all back."

Harley took a deep breath, nodding her head. "when do we start?"



"Ok test run number one in... 3-2-1." Bruce said, Clint wanted to be the first one to go through, so he was.

It felt like a matter of seconds until clint came back, holding a baseball glove in his hands. "It worked." The man said.

Tony nodded. "Now we gotta test and see if we can last longer than thirty seconds. Scott!"

Scott came over and stood in his place, waiting for the time machine to send him off. It only took a few tries to get him back in one piece.. and the right age.

"Boom. Time travel!" Bruce said with a smile, looking at everyone.

Harley smiled. "So now what's the game plan?" She asked.

"Well, we made the gauntlet all new. Our plan is to go back and get the stones, then come back and fix everything."

"Well let's go then.."

 ✔️The Summer Soldier ||Bucky Barnes|| Where stories live. Discover now