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"Who the hell is Harley?"


"Guys this isn't ending well.. I'm going down!" Harley said over the comms to the commander, Steve, Bucky, and whoever was in the room with them.

Earlier that day, Harley was sent out on a special mission to retrieve any fallen soldiers. But, before she could even make it, a missile hit the right wing of her aircraft.

"Harley come on! Is there anywhere you can safely land?!" She heard Bucky say over the comms.

"No, I'm over the ocean. I was not prepared for a swim today either!" She said, pushing any button that could possibly help her.

"Spade listen to me. You go down into that water, your dead. There should be a parachute in the aircraft, yes?" The commander said.

Harley looked around the aircraft, looking to where the parachute is supposed to be.

"Sir the parachute fell out when the wing got knocked off. I don't have much time either." She panicked.

Harley could hear Steve and Bucky freaking out in the background, the two trying to figure out what else she could do to keep herself alive.

Suddenly she heard the microphone being grabbed. "Harley, when you get the chance, jump out. It sounds crazy but you'll land in the water and there should be land north east that you can swim to." Steve said.

"Steve that's the craziest thing you've ever said. Did you forget I'm not a super human like you?!" Harley said.

"Harls Steve's right, if you don't jump, your not going to make it. I know swimming isn't your first choice but right now that's the only choice if you want to live." Bucky said.

The fear was easily heard in both Steve and Bucky's voices. The two of them each promised to keep Harley alive.

But while Harley was thinking about their fears, their biggest one was about to happen.

Another missile fired at Harley's aircraft, knocking off the left wing.

"THEY GOT THE LEFT WING! IM GOING DOWN!" Harley yelled into the comms.

"Spade you've gotta jump!"

"I CANT, I'M GOING DOWN TOO FAST!" Harley said back. there was no time for her to get up and out of the aircraft so this was it for her.

"Come on Harley.. we can't lose you yet." Harley heard Bucky say in the background.

"IM SOR-" she began to say, but the comms cut off as her aircraft crashed into the ocean close by some land.

"Spade? Spade do you copy?" Commander said, waiting a few seconds for a response. "She's gone. Peggy, mark it in the files."

Bucky and Steve stood there in shock. They just lost the most important person to them.

"You two go to the barracks and rest up. Your going out on mission tomorrow."

"Yes sir." The two said, walking out of the comms room and heading towards the barracks.

 ✔️The Summer Soldier ||Bucky Barnes|| Where stories live. Discover now