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They all ran towards the sound of the child's screams, listening as they got louder and louder.

"MAMA! DADDY!" Summer screamed, the little bit of hope left in her that her parents would come to save her.

The screams were at the loudest point when they got to a door at the end of the hallway. "Ok, on my count we go in." Rhodey said, holding up his blasters to attack.

"Not today Midgardian." Thor said, whacking the door open with his new axe, storm breaker.

The door swung open so hard it actually fell off its hinges, revealing about three men around a flat lab table, summer strapped down on top.

The three men turned to look at the group of them, immediately pulling out pistols and beginning to shoot at them.

Steve was quick to block the shots with his shield. "One of us needs to get to Summer and get her out of here." He said, blocking away another shot.

Harley shook her head. "Yeah, but we could also do this." She said, loading her gun again. "Summer honey close your eyes for mama."

Once Harley could see summers eyes shut, she shot the three men to the ground. "Come on, help me get her out before they send more of them in."

Nat and Harley ran over to the table trying to get summer out while the boys covered them. "Mama I'm s-scared." Summer cried, watching her mother struggle to loosen the ropes around her.

"Hey, summer, look at me. Ok?" Nat said, grabbing summers attention away from the ropes. "We are going to get you home and we can have sleepovers all week. How does that sound?"

While nat was able to distract summer, Harley unleashed her powers and burnt the ropes around summer to dust. "I don't see any more heat signatures, we should be clear to get out of here." Harley said, lifting summer off the table.

Summer quickly put her arms and legs around her mother, tucking her head into her shoulder. "It's ok baby, it's ok. Mamas got you." Harley said, holding summer tightly against her.

"Green bean! Come on!" Thor said, getting the hulk to follow them out and go back into his normal form.

When they got to the quinjet, rhodey sat in the pilots seat at prepared to fly away. "Do we have everyone?" He asked before shutting the door.

"Yeah, just go so Bruce can check summer for anything in med bay." Steve said, and rhodey began to take off. "Hey kid, it's all ok." He reassured Summer.

However, summer just curled into a ball on Harley's lap, the two sitting there in a hug for most of the way back to the compound.

"What was that place anyways?" Nat asked, looking out the window at the building they just left.

"It was some some sort of hideout that the kidnappers had. They must've had a whole crew ready for this." Bruce said, coming out from the side of the quinjet after putting some clothes on. "I didn't see any meds or lab equipment anywhere so there's a low chance of their being something in her bloodstream."

Steve shook his head and looked over to Harley and Summer, watching how they held onto each other. "Hey Summ, do you remember what happened?" Steve asked the little girl.

Summer shrugged and lifted her head. "Mama said if I cleaned up we could come see everyone at mamas work. When I went upstairs with my toys there was a guy there and he- he-.."

Harley squeezed her eyes shut and felt her tears slip down her cheeks. She felt extremely guilty for this happening to summer. "I'm sorry summ.." she said, rubbing the back of the little girls head.

"It's not mamas fault." Summer said, looking up at her. "Mama didn't know. It's ok."

Natasha frowned T the interaction between the mother daughter duo, standing up and sitting in the opposite side of them. "How about when we get back, Bruce gives you a quick check and then we can watch any movie you want." Nat said to the younger girl, smiling at her.

Summer smiled a little bit and nodded. "Only if it's Frozen." She said with a small giggle. "Can we watch frozen?"

"Whatever you want little Midgard, I will bring the pop tarts." Thor added with a smile.

Steve laughed a little bit. "I'll watch it, but there's no guarantee I'll like it."

Harley however seemed to frown. She remembered two other people who used to love that movie. "Peter and Wanda loved frozen.." she said, taking a deep breath, "Bucky couldn't stand it though."

It got a little more quiet and Harley shook her head. "Sorry, I totally just ruined the moment." She said, wiping the tears from her eyes.

Steve shook his head and looked over to Harley. "No, it's ok. We all miss them too. We just need to figure out how to get them back."

"Tony could probably figure this all out.. but we have no clue where he is. Probably lost in space and hanging out with an alien." Rhodey said from the pilots seat, "but I don't know, he might've survived the snap."

"Of course he might've. It's Tony fuc- FREAKING Stark." Harley said, stopping herself from cursing in front of summer. "But yeah, I just hopes he snaps out of his little space dream and flys whatever ship he's on home."

"Uncle Tony's in space?" Summer asked. "Is he like... an astronaut?"

Thor laughed at the child. "Tony is far too dumb to be an astronaut."

"Tony's the smartest avenger besides Bruce, Thor." Nat reminded the blonde haired god. "And your uncle Tony is on a top secret mission trying to save the world." She continued, turning to face Summer.

"Oh! Mama told me that Petey is with him too." Summer added.

Thor smiled. "Yup, my lord of spiders."

 ✔️The Summer Soldier ||Bucky Barnes|| Where stories live. Discover now