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A few days later

Since hydras first attack, everyone noticed Bruce stressing out and becoming easily angered, which could lead to a big mess with the hulk, so they gave him time off to relax and figure himself out.

"We need to figure out what hydra wanted. Sending an army of their soldiers is something that is too much to just get one or two people." Tony said, walking around the meeting room as everyone sat around the meeting table.

They have all been thinking about the hydra attack, trying to figure out every detail.

"Well, i took another look at Harley's hydra file and saw that some spots were marked TBI. My guess is that means To Be Identified, meaning they weren't done with her just yet." Nat said, showing everyone the file and pointing to the spots.

"Strength level? Sanity? Threat level?" Tony said, reading out the names of each spot marked TBI. "They definitely had big plans for you. Like why did they have Bucky in and out of the ice all the time but didn't do anything to you until just recently?"

"All I remember about hydra was when I first got there, so I wouldn't even be able to tell you if I was ever released. But, if they didn't have things like that filled out .. either they forgot to fill it in or I wasn't released." Harley said. "And my strength level is at alpha level."

They laughed at what Harley had said, bringing their focus back to the conversation.

Suddenly, the meeting rooms door bursted open and Peter came running in. "I think I have an idea that could help us get a lead in hydras plans!" He said,
Out of breath from running. "Have you guys ever seen in like really old movies how people like hack into other radio signals?"

"Parker you and these movie references.. just get to the point." Tony said, trying to hurry to the point.

Peter nodded. "Well, what if we hacked into hydras cameras or something like that. They've gotta have something that we could get into." He said, waving his arms around as he spoke.

"That's a good idea." Steve said, "but this is hydra, their security system is so good, no one knows they're even around anymore."

Peter shook his head. "Cap, I know it's a stretch, but can we at least try it." He begged.

Steve looked around at everyone else to see their reactions. Harley didn't seem fazed by any of it though.

"Attacking first isn't a good idea. If they want a fight, they know where to find us." She said, looking at everyone just like Steve did before. "And as much as I'd like to hack them, that technically counts as us attacking first."

Wanda nodded and looked at Harley. "There's something else about the plan that's bothering you." Wanda said, "your blocking your thoughts but all I can see is worry."

"Wanda! No reading my mind!" Harley complained, "but hydra is very sneaky, one wrong move and they will literally send missiles and soldiers to attack you. I don't want you guys getting hurt because of my issues."

Bucky reached over and rubbed Harley's shoulder, kissing her cheek. "We are the avengers, that's kind of our job. And right now our job is to protect you from hydra." He said, looking to the others so they would agree.

"So are we doing spideys plan or not? Because I have a system that we can use." Clint said, shaking his head.

Tony shook his head. "You heard Harley, they will attack us and I don't want to be attacked." He said

"But that's only if they find out.. we are the avengers, they probably think we are going to go attack them ourselves." Bruce said, "I say we use spideys idea."

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