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"Steve, mind giving me a hand?" Bucky said as he pulled into the front  of the compound, seeing Steve coming back from his morning run.

Steve nodded, going over to the car. "What's you get, a dead body?" Steve asked in a joking tone.

"Nope, better. A sleeping Harley with a side of two dozen bagels." Bucky said, patting Steve's back and handing him the two bags of bagels. "I'm gonna bring her to her room and let her sleep."

"Why's she so tired?" Steve asked. "Was she acting weird at all?"

Bucky shook his head no. "I have no clue, she was perfectly fine while we were in the bagel shop, then once we got into the car it was like she just got an outburst of tiredness." He said, going towards the staircase.

"I'll try to figure it out, but I'm starving so I'm gonna eat before Thor finds out we got food." Steve said, continuing his way to the kitchen.

Bucky nodded and continued his way up the stairs towards Harley's room. He wasn't sure what had happened. Yes, it was possible for her to just be tired since he did wake her up this morning, but something was off.

Placing her down in her bed, Bucky tucked the covers over her and placed a kiss on her forehead before leaving.

Just as Bucky began to walk out the door, he heard Harley speaking. When he turned his head, he saw that Harley was now waking up again.

"When did we get home?" She asked softly, "and why the heck am I so tired?"

Bucky came back into her room and smiled. "Well you fell asleep in the car and we just got home five minutes ago. I have no idea why your tired too but I'm sure it's nothing." He said, sitting down on the edge of Harley's bed beside her.

Harley nodded and placed her head back down on the pillow. "I'm just going to sleep for a bit I guess, you go eat something before Thor eats it all." She said with a smirk, looking up at Bucky.

Bucky nodded, "if you need anything-"

"I'll call you if I need something, now go eat you doof." Harley cut him off, laughing a little bit.

Bucky smiled and stood up, leaving Harley's room.


"So what happened?" Steve asked as the group of them ate their bagels, the delivery people setting up the new furniture in the other room.

Bucky shrugged. "Well i guess she was just tired. Maybe it's like a side effect from whatever Cho did."

Tony took a bite of his bagel and stood from the table, going to the other side of the room where his touch screen board was. "Well it says in the report that she lost a good amount of energy from constantly blasting beams and using her shield or whatever she does during the hydra attack. She'll be fine."

"Hey guys!" Peter said as he entered the room. "Oh bagels!"

"Hey kid-" Tony said, pausing when he realized the time. "Your supposed to be In School."

Peter paused and his eyes went wide. Looking around the room, he tried to think of a good way to explain why he's at the compound.

"W-well..I got no sleep last night and aunt may told me I wasn't going to learn anything if I'm half asleep so she kept me home." He said, scratching the back of his neck.

Tony sighed. "Kid. You left us to clean up the hydra mess and didn't even get sleep?"

"Tony be nice." Nat said, hitting his arm. "What's the matter Parker?"

"Is harley ok? Because it's kinda my fault and I don't want mr Barnes to kill me." Peter spat out, a stressed look forming on his face.

"The witch bitch is alright kid." Sam said.

Peter sighed. "Ok cool. And mr Barnes, please don't kill me! I'm only sixteen!"

Bucky laughed. "I'm not going to kill you. And for the last time, you can just call me Bucky."

Peter nodded his head.

"Grab a bagel kid, throw just going to eat them all if you don't have one." Tony said, pointing the the bag of bagels.

Peter smiled and took out an everything bagel and put on some cream cheese. "So, now what? Any new missions coming up?" He asked with a smile.

Steve and Wanda laughed a little bit at how Peter was acting. They knew all he wanted to do was go on missions with them, but also knew Tony was very protective of him, never wanting to put him in danger.

"Not yet, and let's hope it stays that way." Tony said, "you might be an avenger, but your also still an avenger in training."

Peter nodded, not wanting to argue with or anger Tony. The boy was scared of him in a way, knowing that Tony had a lot of tricks up his sleeve that could either benefit of bring a disadvantage to him.


When it came around to one o'clock, Harley woke up from her extended slumber and sat up on her bed. She could feel the slight soreness in her arm from getting shot a couple of days ago, but it didn't affect her as much anymore.

The same words repeated in her head, don't go back to raining for a week or two.

She didn't want to listen. She wanted to at least keep her powers stable, not knowing if they could become out of control if they weren't used for too long.

After sitting and thinking of how she could solve the issue she created in her mind, she came to the conclusion that she should train, but not use her bad arm.

So, she got out of bed and got changed into her training clothes. A black tank top and some leggings, topped off with her sneakers.

Now the only issue was how she would get to the training room without someone stopping her. Luckily, something that was imprinted in her mind from hydra was being sneaky, knowing how to not alert anyone.

Her plan already failed when she opened her bedroom door and walked into Bucky. "Shit." She muttered.

Bucky looked at her for a second, examining what could've been going on. Putting the attire she had on and the sneakiness together, he figured it out.

"Seriously har? You know how bad of an idea training is right?" He said.

"I know but-"

"I'll come with you and help you, but I'm not letting you go to full level training." He cut her off, leading her out of her room and following her downstairs.

Harley smiled. "Thanks, but I don't need help." She said with a smirk.

Bucky nodded, "fine, but I'm still coming with you. Just to be sure."

Harley nodded and allowed Bucky to follow her.

 ✔️The Summer Soldier ||Bucky Barnes|| Where stories live. Discover now