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As the next morning came, Harley woke up bright and early and immediately began to get ready. She was careful to not wake summer up, putting a pillow where she was so it at least felt like she was still there.

There was a short list of things for her to do, number one being checked off easily.. getting suited up. She put in her suit, what once was the baby blue piping was now dirt stained and dark teal looking.

Walking down the stairs, Harley was met with all of the remaining avengers. "Your not convincing me to back down." She said, walking past them and prepping her gun.

"You think I'm letting you go to the most powerful being in the universe alone?" Steve asked, latching his shield into his back. "Bucky would absolutely kill me if I let you go alone."

Harley smiled a little bit, keeping her focus on what she had to get done. "Stark, pepper can watch summer for me right?"

Tony nodded. "Already told her to. Now let's go find this grape."


"You know, I still don't like this one bit." Steve said as nebula drove the quinjet for the avengers, looking over to Harley.

The girl nodded, keeping a serious face though. "Well, he's going to get what he deserves. He had no idea what I'm capable of, and neither do I." Harley said, moving from behind nebula and going towards the back.

"Yeah.. I agree with what sam used to say. Remind me never to anger the girl." Tony said, shaking his head and pointing to Harley.

Thor laughed a little bit and looked between the few of them. He enjoyed Harley's angry moments, it was like a reminder that she was strong. "I happen to enjoy the angry Midgard. But, I must assure you that i will not be risking making her angry."

"You guys know SHES right here." Harley scoffed, crossing her arms. "And I'll be fine once everything is back to normal."

Bruce nodded, even though he really didn't like this plan of Harley's either. "So what exactly are we going to do that will get everything back to normal?" He asked.

"I'm going to kill Thanos myself."

"I agree with lady spade, Thanos killed my brother and best friend right in front of me so I'll be seconding that." Thor added, holding up storm breaker.

Rhodey, Tony, and Steve looked at the two in shock. "We are going there so you can kill him?! He took down a whole wakandan army like it was nothing, har." Steve said, "and what if he does it again. What if he snaps that gauntlet again and you get dusted away too?"

Harley sighed. "If you were going to be like this, why did you come. I told you I have a plan, just try trusting me for once." She said, moving away and latching her gun to her back as nebula landed the quinjet.

The were at a secluded place in what must be the mountains. A small little hut wasn't too far away, and neither was carol who flew beside them the entire time.

Carol wanted the first hit, flying quickly into the hut and attacking Thanos herself.

Next, Bruce and rhodey went in to help carol hold him down. Harley and Thor went in with Steve and nat behind them, Thor cutting Thanos' hand with the gauntlet off.

Rocket came too, flipping the gauntlet over to reveal that the stones were missing. Harley began to fume with rage, knowing all she had to do was snap with the gauntlet to get everyone back.

"Where the fuck are they." Harley said, looking Thanos dead in the eyes.

Thanos laughed a little bit, even though doing that caused carol to tighten her grip around his neck.

"You don't get it do you. I used the stones to destroy the stones. You'll never find them, they're reduced to atoms." Thanos said.

Bruce started to get angry now, running at Thanos and kicking him to the ground. "You murdered trillions!" He yelled.

Thanos scoffed at the man in the larger robot suit. "You should be grateful.. it nearly killed me." He said, laying in the ground and looking at the avengers.

"He-he's gotta be lying. We have to tear this place apart.. there's no way he destroyed them." Rhodey said, the man didn't want to believe Thanos just yet.

Nebula shook her head. "My father is many things, but he's not a liar."

"Ah, thank you daughter." Thanos said, nebula putting her head down. "Perhaps I treated you too harshly."

Harley scoffed at the little sob moment and allowed her powers to break through. "I'm tired of listening to you, asshole." She said, her eyes beginning to glow their baby blue color.

"Harley wait." Thor said, "let me kill him."

"What? Why?!" She asked, Thor already going ahead and chopping Thanos' head off. "He killed my brother." He said.

Harley was pleased to see Thanos dead, following Thor out of the hut.

Everyone else just stood inside, looking at each other trying to figure out what happens next. "Now what.. the stones are gone and the gauntlet is destroyed." Nat said.

Steve frowned. "Just move on with our lives I guess. No one can re create the stones. It's impossible." He said, turning around and going out too, everyone else followed him.

 ✔️The Summer Soldier ||Bucky Barnes|| Where stories live. Discover now