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"So your telling me they never dated. Like ever?" Bruce said to Steve as they peeked into Harley's room a few days later.

"Nope. They could've but then the whole accident happened." Steve said, smiling at his two friends cuddled together on Harley's bed.

Harley's doctor said that she was able to get off the machines and slowly get back into her normal lifestyle, so she spent most of her time in her room.

Bucky being the kind of guy he was, always stayed with her. "I know you hate being alone" he would always say as he would enter the room.

"Wanna make a bet?" Nat asked with a smirk, approaching the two men standing by Harley's room. "I say within the next two weeks, our winter soldier one asks her out."

Steve laughed. "And I bet he won't, he's terrible at talking about his feelings. Twenty bucks to the winner." He said, shaking nats hand and walking off.


As Harley slept, she noticed how often nightmares began to be. Almost every night she's had one.

"no.. stop.. I'm not coming back.." she was saying in her sleep. Her current nightmare was the same as all the other ones, hydra trying to get her back.

But the idea scared her so much, she woke up. Her breathing was out of control which ended up waking Bucky.

"Hey hey, relax. I'm right here." Bucky said, sitting up and rubbing her back. "Same one?"

Harley nodded. "W-when is this going to stop.. I can't t-take it anymore!" She panicked, running her fingers through her hair.

"Harley spade listen to me. No one is going to get you, I won't let them. Just lay back down and try to get some more sleep." Bucky said in a soft tone.

Harley simply nodded and did as he said.

"Thank you Bucky." She said, shutting her eyes.

"Anytime Har, you know that."


"Mr stark has called a meeting for right now." Jarvis said to everyone across the compound.

Bucky and Harley woke up to the sound of the AI speaking, both of them jumping a little bit since it was loud.

"Come on.. it's early." Harley complained, rubbing her eyes.

"Maybe somethings up, let's go." Bucky said, standing up from Harley's bed and crossing his arms.

"Five minutes.." she said, turning over and shutting her eyes.

Bucky just smirked at her, carefully lifting her up and over his shoulder. "Tony is gonna be mad if we are late." He said, setting her down outside the meeting room.

When they walked in, everyone else began to show up looking extremely tired too.

"What was Tony thinking.. a meeting at seven am?" Thor complained as he sat down in one of the seats.

"And he hasnt even gotten here yet." Nat said.

Tony came into the meeting room shortly after, looking stressed out about something. "You guys are totally going to hate me for this." He said. "Oh, hey spade. How do you feel?"

Harley shrugged. "Tired. Why the hell am I awake this early and what did you do?" She said.

Steve laughed. "I told you guys she hates to be woken up. Now can you please explain what you did." He said, pointing over to Harley who was half asleep.

Tony sat down and looked at everyone. "So, I had scheduled a party here to happen a few days after we moved in. Jarvis already sent invitations out and I can't cancel it."

Harley groaned. She definitely wasn't in the party mood. She still feels very weak from the explosion, and a party definitely doesn't help that.

"When is it? I love myself a good party." Thor said with a smile.

"Tonight.." Tony said, "and the place will be packed so be ready.. and dress nice."

Harley groaned again. Standing from her seat, she said "I'm definitely not coming.. did we forget I almost got crushed by a building?"

"Oh come on har, it'll be fun." Steve said, nudging her arm.

Harley laughed. "Nope, I'll be in my room.. doing what I do best." She said, turning around and making her way back to her room.

As she walked up the stairs, her body began to feel very weak. Like her legs would give out any second. So, she sat down on the steps, leaning against the railing.

"Hey, you guys want to help me or?" Harley called out, her voice soft as her headache came back.

"Yeah sure wha-" Steve's voice said as he walked out of the meeting room. He paused when he spotted her on the stairs. "You alright? Your looking awfully pale."

"You dipshit. Why would I ask for help if I didn't need it." She said, noticing everyone else coming too.

As her vision became more and more dull, she could see and hear a little bit of what was going on.

She saw how someone was carrying her, hearing Nat trying to keep everyone under control.

When Harley was put down, she recognized the soft mattress she was on as her own. "Har don't you sore close your eyes." Bucky's voice said.

Soon enough, Harley found her eyes opening more, looking at Bucky's baby blue eyes. It was obvious he was full of worry, to her at least.

Steve came into the room again, holding a glass of water, handing it over to Harley. "Drink this." He said, "and when was the last time you've eaten?"

Harley shrugged. "Morning of the explosion? I can't remember. But, I'm not hungry so don't even-"

"Harley Spade you know that you have to eat. No wonder you almost passed out." Bucky said, looking at Harley.

She just shrugged. "You know I've never been good at keeping track of what I eat. If anything, this is nothing compared to when my mom died. I mean, when that happened, I went a month without eating."

"Har we know. And we were also the ones who told you that was a bad idea." Steve said, crossing his arms. "Wait here, your eating something whether you like it or not."

"Alright boss man." Harley joked, leaning back into her bed.

Why me?

 ✔️The Summer Soldier ||Bucky Barnes|| Where stories live. Discover now