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Even though Harley was basically powerless after hydra took her, the felt the familiar sensation of using them as she sat with everyone on the couch.

She was listening to the conversation going on with everyone, then started to hear peters voice too. "How the hell am I supposed to get back at flash now." He said, although Harley noticed his face or mouth didn't move. At all.

"Um is she ok..?" Sam asked, noticing Harley's eyes were starting to glow a light blue color.

Harley smirked and looked at sam. "Quick. Think of something that no one would be able to guess." She said, a smile forming on her face as she felt more, alive.

Sam gave her a weird look and didn't move his mouth or anything, but Harley heard his voice say "roasted almonds."

"Seriously? Roasted almonds?" Harley asked with a small laugh.

They all looked at her shocked. "Did she just-" nat asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh yes she did. This bitch has some sort of powers back!" Harley cheered, the blue glow fading from hey eyes as she stopped using her powers.

Wanda smiled at Harley, happy that she would be able to have her battle partner back after that baby was born. "How did you get them back?!" She asked, everyone else completely dropping their previous conversation to listen to this one.

"I-I don't know. I was just sitting here and boom.. I heard peter spear but he didnt move. Then sam mentioned my eyes and I just- it's insane!"

"Wait you heard me?!" Peter said in shock, looking at Harley.

Harley nodded. "Yes sir spidey. Now, who the hell is flash?"

Peter sighed, obviously not wanting to talk about it. But, Tony made him talk about it since he's too nosy to not know. "Some kid from school. He keeps calling me penis Parker."

Harley could see on both sam and Bucky's faces that they wanted to laugh. "One peep out of you two and I'll blast you out of here." She said, pointing to the two.

"Oh come on. Even me?" Bucky asked with a pouty face.

"It's either you two keep laughing or I find this kid and blast him away."

"I would pay to see that." Sam said, raising his hand.

Harley rolled her eyes then gave sam a look, the light blue glow forming. "OK OK! We will stop!" Sam begged. "Just please don't kill be today."

With a smirk, Harley let her glow fade away and turned back to face Peter. "Well, there's the option to blast the kid away or we could totally embarrass him." She said with a smirk.

Wanda and Sam smirked too, liking the idea of embarrassing the so called "flash" kid. However, the others didn't seem too impressed.

"So let me get this straight, we had a break from crazy Harley only because she didn't have her powers?" Steve asked, "because there's no way your going to go use them on a teenager for bothering Peter."

"Aren't you forgetting, Wanda could do it too. Our powers are the same." Harley said, knowing. If she took too much advantage of her powers, something could happen to her or the baby. "I'm not that stupid Stevie."

Peter sighed and stood up from the couch. "Look, no one is going to do anything with this alright? I can handle it." He said, "now I have to go home to aunt may before she thinks I went in a mission without telling her."

The avengers noticed peters mood and knew not to push it any more. "Get home safe kid." Tony said to the teenager before he got too far.

"I'm sorry for calling you out for that pete!" Harley shouted, genuinely feeling bad for embarrassing him.

Peter nodded his head and gave her a small smiled before fully leaving.

"How did you get a smile and I just got ignored." Tony scoffed.

Harley laughed. "Because he knows better than to anger a pregnant lady."

All of the avengers knew Harley was right. But even if Harley wasn't pregnant, he still would've done the same thing. Peter and Harley have a bond that a pair of cousins would have. They weren't ever the type to argue with each other, mostly because Peter was scared that Harley would blast his head off or something.

"So, witch bitch is back now.. great." Sam said, knowing he had even more reasons to fear Harley.

The girl laughed. "And witch bitch can read your mind too so be careful."

Bucky just smirked at the way Harley was threatening sam, glutting his arm around the girl and holding her close. "As much as I am enjoying this, you should remember what would happen every time you used your powers too much."

"Which is why I won't be using them so often, especially since I'm banned from missions till further notice." She said, putting her head on Bucky's shoulder and laughing a little bit.

Nat nodded. "Ding ding ding! I don't need you getting hurt before I meet my godchild." She said with a smirk, crossing one leg over the other.

Harley smiled and nodded her head. "I'll do my best. I'll only use them if I sense something wrong. Deal?"


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