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After a little bit of hanging out in her room, Harley could sense something was wrong. It must've been something to do with her so called "spidey sense".

That's when she spotted it.

A missile was coming straight for her bedroom window at a full speed.

"Jarvis tell everyone to get down!" Harley shouted, knowing there was a Jarvis in her room.

"Is everything ok miss spade?" Jarvis asked.

Harley scoffed. "There's a fucking missile headed straight for the building. NO EVERYTHING ISNT OK." She said.

Harley stood up from her bed and used all the power she could to hold back the missile.

"WANDA! ASSISTANCE!" She shouted, Wanda coming into her room seconds later.

The two girls stood there, using both of their powers to hold back the missile. It was too late though, the missile broke through the barrier and hit the building.

Both Wanda and Harley ran out of the room, Harley quickly putting her suit on as they ran.

"EVERYONE DOWN!" Harley shouted as they entered the main room where everyone was.

Bucky protected Harley from the explosion, shielding her with his own body.

"Is everyone ok?" Nat asked after the explosion hit.

"Har you don't look too good." Bucky said, looking at her pale face.

"Gee thanks buck." Harley said with a small laugh. "We gotta get out of here before we get crushed by the building."

"Jarvis how long do we have to get out of here?" Tony said, pressing his button for his suit to go on.

"You have two minutes sir." Jarvis said.

"We have to go. Now!" Tony said, everyone getting up. "Spidey try to swing out of here and get some fire engines."

"On it mr stark." Peter said, breaking through the window and swinging out.

The rest of the group slowly made their way to the emergency stair case exit. "I'll hold back the fire, you guys run!" Harley said, standing by the entrance to the stair case.

"Harley we aren't leaving you in here!" Steve said, looking at Harley who already looked weak enough.

"JUST GO! I can get out once you guys do." She said, "I can handle it. Trust me."

Steve shook his head and led the others out of the building.

Once they got out, Tony spoke to Jarvis again. "Jarvis, how long does Harley have to get out of there?"

"About fifteen seconds sir."

"She's not going to make it.." Steve said, coughing a little bit from the fire.

"Yes she will. She promised us she would." Bucky said, "she's not giving up that easily. Never has, and never will."

Well, that's what Bucky thought, until the building started to crumble down. Harley created a shield around herself as the building fell, hoping that her choice to stay on the top floor was a good one.

So far it was working well, the shield she held around herself blocked off the pieces of the ceiling from hitting her as the building went down.

As the building fully came down though, she was too weak to hold the shield, making her lose focus and pass out.. then get hit with a few pieces of the building.

"Everything's gone.." Clint said, looking at the former avengers compound.

"Ok, everyone try and find Harley in this mess. We need to get her." Tony said, flying up as everyone else ran into the buildings rubble.

"Harley?!" They all shouted as they searched for her.

"Jesus Harley where the hell are you?!" Bucky said as he lifted up pieces of the building.

When he got to one particular area, he spotted the familiar baby blue fabric. But, it was underneath a larger piece of the building that was too heavy for him to lift.

"I FOUND HER!" Bucky yelled, everyone running over. "I can't get this off of her, everyone lift!" He said, getting everyone's help to lift the piece off of her.

"Jarvis check vitals." Tony said, Jarvis scanning her body.

"Her heart rate and oxygen levels are dropping sir, emergency medical is on the way." Jarvis responded.

When the ambulance arrived, they were very careful lifting Harley onto the stretcher.

"Now what are we going to do. We lost everything." Nat said, staring at the building.

Tony smiled. "Not exactly. While you guys have been doing your own things, I have been preparing our new compound. Everything that's been charged to this car.. which is almost everything that's entered that building, was duplicated and sent to the new place. So technically, we just need to get there and settle in." He said, one of his assistants driving up in a van for them all to get in.

"Happy, drive us to the new compound. That's where they're taking Harley so no one tries to arrest her." Tony said.

"Wait you were going to tell us about this when..?" Clint said, looking at Tony.

"When it was a good time. I think mows a good time considering our old place just blew up."

"Who do you think did it?" Thor asked.

Bucky shook his head. "Who do you think? Who are the people that are searching for Harley right now, dead or alive?" He said.

"Hydra.." Steve said in a quieter tone, realizing what that means. "We need to make sure no hydra agents get anywhere near her."

"First we need to make sure shes even alive." Bucky said as the car approached the new compound.

"Wow.." they all said in shock at how big the place was.

But before getting their full tour, everyone wanted to check up on Harley.

A/N: happy Valentine's Day!!

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