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Harley stood there, her blue glowing powers forming a glow around the large things coming her way. She should see they were slowing down a little bit.

A very very little bit.

But what she didn't expect to happen was the baby blue color to go to the bright electric blue, like her lighting power she used to have.

A smirk forming on her face, she kept her power going and noticed someone come beside her. Harley didn't even have to look to know it was Wanda.

How? Because the glow on the large things turned purple from adding wandas red.

"On the count of three we lift and drop it ok?" Wanda said, Harley nodding.




They both used their power to lift each of the things in the air, and slammed them against the ground letting them slide so it knocked down more of the creatures.

"HELL YEAH!" Harley said with a smile.

Her smile only grew bigger when she noticed that her electricity power kicked in and she electrocuted the creatures around the things.

She could hear Bucky sigh through the comms as this all happened. "Never scare us like that again." He said,  coming up next to her.

Harley smiled and looked at Bucky, but noticed something going on behind him at the building.

The smile on her face quickly dropped. "Guys they have vision, they're going towards the woods." She said into comms.

"Someone go help him!" Steve said.

Before Harley could volunteer to help, Wanda already did. "I'm on it."

It made sense for Wanda to go, vision was her boyfriend after all. But, Harley knew she could use all the help she could. "I'm going too."

Before running off to help Wanda, Harley looked to Bucky one more time. "I love you buck." She said with a smile.

"I love you too, be careful." He said back, shooting the creatures that just kept on coming.

Harley fought her way towards where they brought vision, finding Wanda getting attacked by one of the creatures and Nat and Okoye helping her.

"I'd stand back." Nat warned okoye. Her nat and Wanda all stood back as Harley electrocuted the creature, frying it and then burning it to dust within seconds.

Okoye nodded her head, not sure to be happy or concerned. "I like this one."

Harley gave her a smirk, then her, nat, and Wanda ran ti where vision was supposed to be.

When they got there, Bruce was already there holding them off of vision. He was clearly struggling since Harley could hear him yelling for the hulk to come and the suit he was wearing was missing an arm.

"Oh Jesus Steve." Harley said, seeing Steve fighting off the creatures around vision the best he could. Vision however had a stand wound in the center of what would be his chest.

"Get out of here!" Steve yelled to vision, the robot unable to get up. "GO!"

Before anyone could do anything, a portable began to appear. Luckily Steve killed the creature that he was fighting, but noticed the three girls and Bruce coming his way.

Harley ran over to Steve and helped him up. "You ok?" She asked.

He nodded. "Could be better, but this will have to do." He responded, noticing the large purple creature step through the portal.

 ✔️The Summer Soldier ||Bucky Barnes|| Where stories live. Discover now