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When the remaining avengers got back to the compound, Harley carried summer inside and held her tightly. "Mama I'm ok." Summer reminded her mother, feeling her nervousness through the hug.

"I-I know.. when your father finds out he's going to kill me though." Harley said with a small laugh, setting summer down so she could at least walk in her own.

Steve, Thor, and Nat went to the living room and let Harley go with Bruce and summer to the lab so they could get the check up over with.

"I'll set up the movie." Nat said with a smile before the other three got too far away.

Thor smiled at the little girl, trying to ignore the few little bruises in her skin. "And I will save you a pop tart."

Harley smiled at them and continued her way towards med bay with Bruce and summer. It warmed her heart that she had such good friends who liked summer.

"Ok kid, just tell me if they did anything first." Bruce said, helping summer up into the bed.

The little girl shook her head and said "not really. I think they were trying to do something but you guys stopped them."

"But did they didn't give you needles or anything right?"

"No. They kept saying that since the summer soldier was powerful that I was going to be powerful too. Who's the summer soldier?" Summer asked, seeming excited to be considered powerful.

Harley's eyes went wide as she looked at Bruce, then at summer. "I'll tell you later ok honey? Let's go watch your movie."

"Ok mama."


"So?" Steve asked as they all came into the living room. "Is she alright?"

Bruce nodded. "She'll be ok. She's just got bruises from the rope holding her down."

Summer giggled and looked at the large tv, seeing the frozen logo on it and smiled. "I call sitting with uncle Teve!" She said, jumping onto the mans lap.

Nat laughed to herself at the two, alway finding joy in the way Steve acted with Summer. He had a genuine happiness for once.

"For my mini Midgard." Thor said, handing summer a pop tart, still wrapped in the silver foil. "I didn't know which ones you like, but we also only have the strawberry ones."

Summer smiled again and opened up the foil, taking one out of it and taking a bite while Harley started the movie.


Everyone seemed to be interested in the movie, something that was quite surprising to Harley since the movie was meant for kids summers age.

But she could feel a spot of sadness for summer when the parents death came on during "do you wanna build a snowman". She felt like summer sort of had that situation, except she still had her mom and Bucky isn't technically dead. Besides, the way things were before they had left for wakanda was the happy family lifestyle like the movie had.

At about the middle of the movie, summer was totally passed out on steves lap, curled into a ball. Steve was also just about to fall asleep.

"I've got to say, I like this Midgard movie with the speaking pillow." Thor said, pointing to the screen.

Bruce shook his head at Thor. "Dude.. that's not a pillow. It's Olaf the snowman."

Thor nodded. "Same thing."

Harley and nat just looked at each other and laughed at the two bickering. "Thor, how the heck were you supposed to rule Asgard when your like.. this.." Harley said with a laugh.

"Well Lady spade, I have been a great defender of Asgard. I saved the people from my evil demon sister with the help of Loki.. then we accidentally ran into Thanos and-" Thor stopped. He hated to talk about his brothers death, it was the only one that brought him true pain.

Sure, his mother's death and his fathers death were heart wrecking for him too. But it was different with Loki. He died trying to prove himself to Thor, that he was worthy enough for his respect even though Thor already did respect him.

"Guys. I got a message from Tony!" Pepper said, running into the compound. Harley jumped at the sound of another voice, not even hearing the door shut. "H-he said that he doesn't have long and this is it.. but then I saw a space ship in the sky and just-"

"Pep calm down." Harley said, "let's go outside and take a look."

Pepper nodded and started to go back towards the door, Harley lifting summer off of Steve so he could go too.

When the group of them got outside, they were able to see what pepper was talking about, seeing an aircraft of some sort coming down towards the compound with a bright glowing light. "What the hell.."

"Tony..." pepper said in almost a cry as the aircraft was set down into the front lawn of the compound.

The next thing they knew, Tony was being helped down a small set of stairs by some blue and purple robot girl, and he looked terrible.

Steve was the first one to rush over to him, quickly helping him down. "I couldn't stop him." Tony said, looking at Steve.

"Neither could I."

Tony sighed, looking at Steve, then to the others. "I lost the kid."

Harley frowned. She knew he meant Peter, what other kid could he mean. "We lost everyone too Ton, don't worry." She said, stepping up.

Pepper just smiled at Tony, running and giving him a hug. "Tony you scared me." She softly said, squeezing him in a hug.

"Well I'm back. We need to figure this out." He said, "how are you guys holding up?"

Harley sighed. "Well, if just getting back from someone kidnapping my daughter is good, then We are great." She said sarcastically.

"Someone took summer?!" He said in shock.

"Yeah, but they didn't hurt her at all. We are all just shaken up by it. Now, we don't need you dropping on us too so can we go inside.."

"Yeah, let's go."

 ✔️The Summer Soldier ||Bucky Barnes|| Where stories live. Discover now