Harley was still in shock from her test results, her thinking and focus wasn't straight as the thought of having a child within the next year filled her mind. Her thoughts were so distracting that she didn't even notice she began to cry again.
Bucky's grip tightened around the girl in attempt to comfort her, him still being shocked as well. But, the news definitely did excite the two soldiers, they just weren't expecting it this soon.
"Mr Stark needs everyone suited up for a mission down in the city. He warned not to bring Harley as she is not healed enough yet." JARVIS said over the intercom system to Harley's room, detecting Bucky was in there.
Harley sighed. "What the hell tony!" She complained, wanting to go on this mission.
Her complaints stopped when Bucky looked over to her. "Absolutely not. Your not putting yourself or that baby in danger." He said, kissing her forehead as he stood up. "We will be back soon, stay safe doll."
Harley frowned and watched Bucky leave, the thought of being alone wasn't sitting right with her. "I love you Bucky, don't miss me too much." She said, smirking as his face lit up.
"I love you too, till the end of the line." Bucky said, referring back to the line that him, Steve, and Harley used with each other often.
Once Bucky was gone, nat and Wanda quickly ran into her room before leaving, wanting to know the results. "So?"
"Positive." Harley said with a small smile, finally accepting the reality.
The two girls hugged Harley at the same time, trying not to scream in excitement. This surprised Harley since Nat didn't exactly seem like the cheery type of girl, she was more of the serious and sarcastic type like Harley.
"Ok ok go, I don't need Tony coming back in a bad mood later." Harley said, pointing to the bedroom door. "Don't get yourselves killed please."
Nat nodded her head. "Don't worry, you know I only do the killing."
Harley laughed a little bit and watched the two girls leave. Now she was going to be alone for who knows how long and she had to worry about whatever was happening in the city.
What was happening in the city?
Arriving towards the city, the avengers were met with what looked like a huge car pileup, a school bus being in the pile.
Tony sighed. "We are the avengers, not the fire department." He said to the police officers who were rushing around.
"Yeah well what would you do if u told you one of your guys were involved in this mess." The officer said.
Tony furrowed his eyebrows then noticed the familiar students to the side, Peter's best friend who he never shuts up about and the girl he likes. But no Peter?
"The kid.." he whispered to himself. "How did one of my guys do this? What could they have possibly done to cause this?"
"Who knows. One second the traffic is normal, the next we have a pile of cars with no one driving them attacking a school bus." The officer said, completely confusing Tony.
Steve stepped up and looked at the officer like he was crazy. "So your blaming one of the avengers for a car pile up?"
The officer nodded. "If I'm not mistaken, you've got a telepathic avenger correct?" The officer asked, looking over at Wanda.
"You think I caused this? I was at home with everyone else!" She said, keeping her cool so she didn't valet this officer away.
"Well Wanda, you and miss Romanoff did go to the store earlier." Vision added.
Natasha sighed and face palmed herself. "Yeah to pick something up, not cause a car accident."
The officer nodded. "Well we checked the footage and all of the parked cars seemed to just go towards the bus like it was a magnet. But the video surveillance cut out while it happened."
Tony sighed and looked back to the group of teens on the side of the road, noticing that Peter had now joined the group and he seemed tired.
"We can talk later." Tony said to the officer, being stopped before walking away. He noticed someone speaking to the officer through a walkie talkie.
"Your all free to go, the chief got it handled. Some spider kid turned in the man that caused it." The officer said, dismissing the avengers.
Nat, Bucky, Wanda, and clint sighed in annoyance that their time was just completely wasted. Clint especially annoyed because he had to leave his family right before their dinner for this.
Tony walked over to the group of kids, knowing Peter had something to do with this. But before taking him, Tony looked to each of the kids. "Is anyone hurt?" He asked.
"Ok good, get home. Kid your coming with me." He said, looking at Peter and leading him to the other avengers.
Peter took a deep breath as they all got in the car they took to the city. "Kid, you wanna explain what happened?"
Peter began to talk really fast. "Well we were driving home from school in the bus and I heard something cling onto the top of the bus and it definitely wasn't normal so I got bed to distract everyone and climbed out and noticed it was like a small magnet but then all of the parked cars around us came crashing into the bus so I took the magnet off and-"
"Kid your talking way to fast." Cap said.
Peter nodded and slowed down. "The magnet had the shield brand name in it so I looked around and spotted an agent and took him down, then an officer came and got him."
Tony nodded. "Did you at least think to call us?"
Peter sat still. "Well I was going to but-"
"Tony be easy on the kid." Nat said, raising an eyebrow. Everyone would always have a soft spot for Peter, especially tony but he wouldn't admit it.
"Ok fine." Tony said, "if that happens again, please just call us. We only want to help you."
Peter nodded and sighed in relief after noticing he wasn't in so much trouble just yet. "Well mr stark I still have the magnet thing.. if you want it to experiment with." Peter said, handing the device to Tony.
"Thanks kid."

✔️The Summer Soldier ||Bucky Barnes||
FanfictionWhile war was going on, best friends Steve Rogers, Harley Spade, and Bucky Barnes all joined in. However, each of them "died" and soon meet again seventy years later.. but not under their preferred circumstances. ⚠️TW⚠️ Mentions things like: -abuse...