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Within the next day or two, Tony was able to get in contact with Nick Fury to figure out what was happening. It turns out that the SHIELD agent that caused the fiasco inter city was a one who had just gotten fired.

However, Harley wasn't too fased by this thing. The only thing she was worried about was the baby currently growing inside of her and the safety of her friends.

"Hey Har, I'm gonna go pick up some food you want anything?" Steve asked as he looked through the kitchen and seeing nothing to eat.

Harley shrugged. "If you want to get me a French fry or something from wherever you go that would be great." Harley said with a smirk.

Steve expected nothing more. Wherever she went to get food she always got french fries. Whether it was a fast food place or not, that was all she would get.

"That's all?" Steve asked.

Harley gave him a nod. "Don't you eat any on your way back or there will be a problem."

Steve laughed and made his way out of the compound. Soon after he left, Bucky came into the room and sat beside Harley. "Hey doll." He softly said as Harley leaned into his side.

Putting his arm around her shoulders, Harley rested her head down on him and shut her eyes. "Where was Steve going?" He asked.

"Getting food." Harley said in a soft tone, "he's getting me fries." She added, smirking a little bit.

Bucky laughed a little bit and leaned back so he was comfortable on the couch.

"You look exhausted buck, what's up?" Harley said as she opened her eyes again and looked at Bucky's face.

Shrugging at the apparently tired girl beside him, Bucky kissed her forehead and said "Tony had us all training like crazy before I case anything came up with them at weird magnet. He finally let us go when he found out it was just a magnet."

Harley laughed a little bit, thankful she couldn't train like they had. Who knows what she would've done. Probably thrown someone across the room with frustration.

Suddenly, everyone else began to make their ways into the room. Each of them freshly showered since training ended about twenty minutes ago.

"You guys look beat." Harley said with a raised eyebrow. "Tony's making you guys do this but he didn't join?"

Clint sighed. "Nope. And you've got the easy way out soldier."

"Well I'm also a little pregnant so I can't train mr Barton." Harley said with a still raised eyebrow and a laugh.

Tony came into the room as he hung up a phone call and joined everyone on the couch. "I was just on the Phone with Pepper and I have to get home. No burning the place down, parties, and especially no missions please."

"What are we? Teenagers?" Bucky asked with a laugh. "None of us have the energy for that right now stark."

"Good. I'm leaving now."


The next few weeks weren't very interesting at the avengers compound. Harley's baby bump had grown a little bit, which meant that they could finally find the gender out soon.

Tony also managed to get Harley's name cleared from the public's eye, the state removing an of her wanted posters as they learned her situation.

But, there was one thing that hadn't sat right with Harley since she found out about her pregnancy. She was worried that the baby would somehow have a power like hers. Sure, it was useful for self defense but they were extremely dangerous.

 ✔️The Summer Soldier ||Bucky Barnes|| Where stories live. Discover now