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By the time Steve had left Harley's room, Harley had completely fallen asleep on Bucky. She always loved her sleep, even if it didn't happen often. Back in the 40's, Harley spade was either picking a fight with someone, with Bucky and Steve, or sleeping.

-Harley Spade: age 17-

It was a normal evening after a boring school day in Brooklyn, New York. Since the time was around 5:00pm, Harley was expected to be home for dinner with her father even though it was only going to be cheap food.

But, Harley had other plans. Kids around Brooklyn all wanted a piece of Harley spade, whether it was picking a fight or going on a date. They considered her one of the more popular girls.

Harley walked through the streets of Brooklyn confidently alone. Sure, Bucky and Steve were probably waiting for her to come over but she was on her way to meet up with someone.

Well, she was, until she heard her best friends famous quote coming from around her. "I can do the all day." Steve said.

Harley looked around her, taking notice to the sounds of fists hitting against something, or someone? That's when she spotted the scrawny boy she called one of her best friends being beaten up by a much larger guy.

She began to run over, shoving the guy away from Steve. "Fuck off tough guy." She said, helping Steve off the ground.

"Whatcha gonna do about sweetheart?" The guy said, rising from the ground and smirking.

Harley simply rolled her eyes. "Seriously Steve? You have to go at the big guys?!" She said in an annoyed tone. "And I have a name dipshit."

The guy laughed, getting completely caught off guard when Harley ran at him and pinned him against the hard wall. "What now? You gonna kiss me spade?" He said, puckering his lips out in a kissy face.

With a sigh, Harley elbowed the guy in his stomach and watched him collapse to the ground. "Sorry sweetheart. Picked the wrong person this time." She said in a petty tone as she walked off with Steve.

"I had that handled." Steve protested, sounding like a little kid that wasn't allowed the newest comic from the comic store.

Harley laughed and looked at Steve for a second. "You totally had it handled. I just so happened to handle it better." She smirked. "Now I have somewhere to be so bye!" She said, starting to get away before being questioned.

"Harley Spade take one more step and I'll call Bucky." Steve said, knowing Harley's weakness.

Harley always had a weakness when Bucky was mentioned. He was always the most strict with her, trying to lead her away from the trouble she always got into whether it was her fault or not. She didn't want to question Steve as to how he knew that weakness but she went along with it and stopped.

"Where are you going?" He asked, his size making him less threatening than he intended to be.

"Not to that fight I heard about. Yeah, word gets around quick har. Especially when it's a fight featuring the one and only Harley spade." A voice added, Harley turning around and seeing Bucky approaching.

Letting out a sigh, Harley looked at her two best friends, seeing they both looked disappointed. "Bucky you know I can't resist it. What else am I supposed to do with myself?" She said, looking at the boy. "If I don't go, they're never going to leave me alone about it. I'll be the girl who backed down."

Bucky shook his head and walked closer to the girl. "Who cares what they think. All I know is that I'm not letting you go."

"And why should I listen to you buck?"

The boy looked at her for a second and sighed, putting an arm around her shoulders. "Because violence isn't the answer to every issue. And if they want to call you a coward for backing out, they won't even be ready for the storm headed their way." Bucky said with a smirk.

Harley still wasn't convinced. "And what would you do if I still went?"

"Simple. Your not going and I'm positive of it."

"Yeah har, your definitely not going." Steve added from beside them. This usually happened when the three were together, it was Harley and Bucky, then Steve. The smaller of the three didn't mind it though, he knew the two were happy and did t want to ruin it with his opinions.

Harley sighed and allowed Bucky and Steve to walk with her back towards their houses. But, they were stopped as they passed the alleyway from before and a fist collided into Harley's face.

"Take that spade." The guy Harley had a fight with earlier said, before noticing the other boy with them.

Bucky glared at the guy and held onto Harley as her hands instantly covered her eye. The guy instantly looked nervous as Bucky slowly took a few steps towards him. "M-my mistake!"

"You really just can't have enough can you?" Steve said with a laugh, grabbing ahold of Harley while Bucky charged at the guy.

It didn't take Bucky long to knock the guy unconscious. He wanted to keep the fight short but strong.

"Jesus buck I think you killed him." Harley said softly as a massive headache formed in her head. "Now some sleep would be greatly appreciated."

Bucky saw the look on Harley's face. She looked weaker. Probably because the guys punches were strong ones that were definitely from hours of workouts.

"Alright come on." Bucky said, simply lifting Harley up off her feet and carrying her back to his house where the trio would be sleeping.

"Your insane." Bucky said to Harley as they walked.

"And I'm tired too, get a move on it." She giggled as she rested her head onto his shoulder. "Wake me up when we get back."

"We aren't stupid, your going to yell at us for waking you up." Steve said. Harley knew he was right, she was always in a mood in the mornings.

"Ok so then let me sleep."

"That's sounds more like our Harley."

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