Chapter 15

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Since then he had been feeling a bit lighter but still the thoughts lingered. That was probably why Draco had starting to compliment everything. From his looks to what he was doing. His caring touch was also there. He felt even more loved and knew how lucky he was with Draco. The male had made sure to make him know how much he cared for him.




It had been almost time. He knew that he would the next day be grown but what he also knew the procedure of him growing will be painful. Not something that he wanted, and he had been sulking the entire day. Obviously, telling Dray about the reason of his sulking. No way would he want to end up in the time out corner.

But there was still something that Dray hadn't said but he knew what he wanted to say. It had been now five weeks after all since he had been watching over him. They haven't talked about making this official. Because he wanted it to be and Dray surely as well.

"Uh Draco?" He asked with cautious and unsureness, making Dray instantly stop reading. There was as well the fact that he had called him Draco and not the given nickname.

"Yes, Harry?" Dray's attention was now entirely on him and he could feel his heart speed up. Could feel that he would destroy their relationship -which was not true but his thoughts were like this.

"Um, we have been doing this a while now and I was wondering uh...Could we make it official. Like telling our friends about this? I really want you as my caregiver um..." By the end of his ramble he had trailed up and as well feeling his entire face a flustered mess out of shyness.

"Finally, I wasn't wanting to force this on you. Decided to wait until you decide yourself when you're ready." Dray smiled softly and flushed more as starting to play with his fingers. It was just that he had been unsure about this, but now he was sure. Dray had never been meaning to him since this year started and helped him.

"Sooo does that count as a yes?" He had to make sure and Dray ruffled his hair with a chuckle.

"Yes, dummy. I wouldn't have stayed that long when I wouldn't have wanted this to happen." The first part was said more of a nudge to tease him. He flushed and chuckled at this.

"Good, so Mione and Ron knew huh?" He asked this afterward and Dray nodded. It was another silence before the two decided to get outside and visit the others. Tomorrow would be the day he would go back to Hogwarts. One good thing was that the others made sure that he wouldn't be way behind with his studies. Thanks to Mione, Ron and even Snape sending him the things that were needed.

It made him feel really happy that they would do this for him. It showed once again how much they cared for him. His surprise was that even Snape cared. He showed that he was trying to make amends. Same was said with any Slytherins. They even were treating him nicely.

Then the evening came, and Dray put a spell that would make his clothes stretch. He wasn't minding it he wouldn't have to sleep butt naked. The thought alone made him flushed. The embarrassment would be too much. Even when Draco technically had seen him naked.

Even when he promised not to look of course. For that he was thankful but by now he was used to it as Draco made sure to take care of him when he is regressed. One issue was the students of Hogwarts would not accept this. They would call him sick and this alone made him want to hide this. In fear of made fun of. It was something that he really wasn't wanting to.

Then there were his 'family' who surely wouldn't accept this. He hadn't been in contact with them but he still was underaged so this would cause trouble. They are still the guardian of him. He shuddered at the thought of being dragged back to them. Even to the point that he snuggles himself deeper into the arms of Dray.

His friend/caregiver/crush was giving him semi comfort. He hadn't told anyone -other then Draco- about what they have done to him. It was just that he feared that they wouldn't believe him. So that he had not bothered telling them. After all, the Dursley's were on the outside nice but behind closed doors. He once again shuddered and whimpered slightly.

"What's up, my sweet pumpkin pie?" It was instantly said, and he buried his face and feeling his anxiousness get worse now.

"Come on, sweetie tell your Daddy about what's bothering you?" He sniffed and starting instantly to sob. The pet names just made him slip and Daddy picked him up as well as rocking him softly. He felt some movements, and soon ending up with his paci and Ray.

"You think you can tell me now, my sweet boy?" It was asked and he sniffed and shaking his head. He couldn't tell Daddy out of fear. Because the meanies will know and hit him. He wasn't wanting to be hit.

"Okay, how about we relax and when you're ready; you can tell all your worries to Daddy." It was said softly, and he nodded as snuggling into the bear. It was as fluffy as ever and it made him feel sleepy. So that he soon fell asleep.

Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson (Drarry and Jercy)Where stories live. Discover now