Chapter 23

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Harry had no idea how to deal with a pissed Ginny. The female had thrown profanities, at him. Why he had no idea. But it scared him shitless as he was screaming. Screaming usually triggered him and he hated it. Making him feel like he had done something horrible wrong.

"Um, Ginny-" He tried to talk to her and make her stop but nope she continued going on. To make this worse he was alone. It wasn't even something that he wanted but he told Draco and the others that he would be fine. Ginny wouldn't harm him or would she?

Well that was his naïve thinking. Because he ended up with a sharp pain all around his body. The kind of pain he knew too well. After all, she had used the familiar spell Crucio. Not a good thing as he was withering in pain, soon even losing his conscious as it got too much.




His eyes cracked open and he shivered at the soreness that was a reminder of that goddam spell. It made him shudder and he tried to curl himself together, but his body was not moving one inch. Not even a word was managed out of his mouth.

It was strange and weird. Not something that he liked, and he felt as well calm. A calmness that he wouldn't feel when he couldn't' move or talk at all. This wasn't the only bad thing, but the fact that he was at that damn cupboard. Not alright and he cursed himself for not telling anyone now.

This clearly had been a vison, but he had not wanting to burden this up. Now he was with his goddam so called family. As well no way to move or call out for help. There was as well the fact that he had been hurt by Ginny. The betrayal cut deep in him and he was painfully aware that Ginny probably never liked him in the first place.

Or at least she did and ended up nuts, but still. This was making him weary of others. He wasn't sure that he will be able to trust anyone now. Harry had trust issues, and this made it not easy. Nor was it helping that he felt alone and scared.

"Slave get up and make us breakfast." The sharp and shrill voice of his so called 'Aunt' Petunia cut him out of his thoughts. His body moved, without him wanting to. Even when he felt the soreness all around his body.

"Okay mam." The words left his voice were emotionless and he was shocked that he couldn't talk back. Another wave of horror washed over him. He moved out of the god dreading room and starting to cook. No words left other then, yes mam/sir.

"Good, you know what to do." It was sharply said by the pig Vernon. Like before he answered like before. Starting to clean the entire house. Next was washing their clothes. There was nothing he could do and he feared that no one would come for him.

"Oh and freak?" It was soon added after he started making him nod and turn the entire attention towards pig Vernon.

"Don't even bother thinking someone would want you as a friend. They left you and put that nice spell over you. So that you won't ever talk back. No hush." It was said and he nodded before hurrying to clean.

It cut deeply in him and it felt like a punch into his gut that his friends would do this. But there was still a glimmer of hope. The hope that they would know where he was. It couldn't be that they done this. He believed firmly on this but a part of him told him otherwise. It was the part that had strong abandonment issues. He knew that he had them and it wasn't too surprising with what Vernon constantly said. The same was said for the other pig Petunia. Making it almost nearly impossible not to think like this.




He crinkled his nose at the taste of metal in his mouth. He had been punched by Vernon because of him unintentional tripping and making a mess. Not just this but he also had been kicked. Making this all so much more painful. And it was just the second day.

He missed Dray, missed his demigod friends, his best friends and even Snape. This was making him feel so much lonelier. Even when it was just two days. His breath hitched at this, yet nothing escaped as he was thrown back into the cupboard.

His eyes glowed more yet he felt so exhausted and pained that he couldn't get himself to try and break free of this. But then again why should he? They had abandoned him surely or why else would he constantly remind him about this.

Not just him but Petunia too. Around two hours or maybe more, the door was opened, and his eyes trailed over. Making his blood freeze, not knowing what Dudley would do. But he had not expected him with some food and water. The door was even closed, and Dudley looked guilty.

"Hey, uh I thought I give you some food and water. Don't worry I won't tell them, and I just don't agree what they do." It was said with the same tone that was shown on the teen now. Making him be confused but he could tell that it was genuinely meant.

So he was helped with food and water. Even taking care of his wounds that there were. It was strange yet he could tell that Dudley tried to make amends. Soon he left him alone again and he was feeling less lonely.

Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson (Drarry and Jercy)Where stories live. Discover now