Chapter 12 (New version)

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@ZiraphaelDoodles Thank you so much for helping me out with the edited version. I really appreciate this a lot. 

Draco's pov

He was angered.

No, scratch that, he was furious at these people. Harry had done nothing to deserve that kind of treatment and he knew exactly who they were. He didn't want to leave him alone, not after he had finally gotten him into a level headspace. It was heart wrenching enough that Harry hadn't slept well. Not to mention he hadn't paid attention to him not eating enough.

So that this would be something that he would have to talk to him too when he was being big. God how dare they do these things. He took a deep breath as looking down at the sleeping little. At least he looked peaceful, but he feared that Harry would end up with nightmares again.

Why was it that his friend -coughcrushcough- has to suffer like this? Had he not gone through enough already? It was making him feel really horrible for him because this was all something that he liked. All he wanted was for him to finally smile and have a relaxed life, but nooo.

He had to end up as a demigod and end up having to continue fighting for his life. One thing was clear it made sense now why that many weird things had happened. Not to mention the occasionally monsters that attacked. He had often wondered why they would always come after Harry, but now he knew.

"Chiron, I want to tell you something." He whispered to the centaur as he couldn't' stay quiet. Harry wasn't going to say anything and it was his job as a caregiver to protect his little. Even if they would be mad at him, there was no way he was letting this go.

He then took the time to explain the situation to the half-man, all that had happened. Explained it in as much detail as he could and even begged him to do something about them or he would. And he wasn't going to be pleasant about it. Chiron was then angered. Not at Draco, but at the Campers who had done this.

It was clearly stated that the bullying or harming of a fellow Camper was against the rules. Draco then left and he was alone once more with a sleeping little. The expression on Harry was just so adorable and the onesie made it even more so.

He could feel a soft calm coming over him now. Having not been able to sleep well due to the worry his little brought him the past week. He decided then that he would take a nap as well. Knowing why Harry had not slept, refused to regress, and even not eating was clearer to him now.

One thing was clear, he would make sure that Harry ate first thing. Even if he has to feed him himself. The male was malnourished from not eating enough. He made sure to promise himself to do exactly that, to watch Harry closely and nourish him back to health. As his caregiver having to watch the pain his little suffered, shattered his heart knowing he couldn't do anything but try and help. Not like that helped any.

This was something he should have expected, afterall Harry tended to bury and hide things, resulting in him updating the rules. Even when he was big, he wasn't going to let his friend lie to him about something as grave as this. It was something major and something he should have told him about.

God he was such a cinnamon roll and he'd do anything to see him smile. Even going so far as protecting him by dying because he deserved the world in his eyes. It was just his caregiver instincts that would go haywire when he'd end up hurt, damn those that hurt him.

One time was enough, and he would make sure never to lose his friend to this headspace ever again. It was something that he should have known. This made him realize his mistake and learn from them. Mistakes are there to learn from and be better.

His gaze went down for a moment and leaned down to press a kiss to his temple. The other leaned into the touch, snuggling into his arms.It made him realize once again how touch deprived Harry must have been all these years. With these damn monsters hurting him and instead of taking care of him like he should have, he was abusing him. Even now he could see that Harry wasn't fine especially after he had to fight in a war. It made his heart go out to Harry even more.

No one deserved this kind of treatment and having to fight for their life at a young age. It was making him feel just so much guiltier. He had treated him like the worst person ever. Even when Harry had forgiven him, he himself couldn't. He had been so unfair to Harry.

All because he had not taken his hand then. God that was utterly childish and he really should have known better. He knew now that big or little he was going to shower Harry in love. Harry deserved to know how much he is loved. Not just by him but by others, so he decided to tell the other demigods about this idea.

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