Chapter 24

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The next day came and he could just dread what would happen next. It wasn't helping that Petunia sneered and slapped him awake. Then there was the fact that Vernon had been using him as a punching back. This was what his morning had become. The same routine came, and he slowly lost hope. They would have found him by now or why it would be not four days. The thought alone made him lose hope.

Eyes dulled and his body continued to do the task given, even when he was injured. Even when he was not wanting to. That spell or whatever was really used held him from having control over his body.

"I. Ask. Again. Where is he?" The familiar angered voice of none other the Dray was heard. He was feeling relieve wash over him. Yet he wasn't moving towards the place. All he continued was doing his chores and he hated this.

"None of your business and I also told you I do not know where the freak is." Vernon sneered and would have scoffed wouldn't it be for him having no control over his body. It was official, he hated the two adults. Dudley had helped him and gave him comfort and even food as well as water.

"Dad you have to stop." Dudley pleaded but he knew that Vernon won't and Petunia was also not letting this go. Both adults even yelled at him to shut his mouth. Footsteps approached.

"Jesus Christ..." Will's voice sounded shocked and he felt helpless as he couldn't break free of this. Making him watch helplessly doing these chores.

"Solace something off about him." Nico said and he felt something wet trail down, out of sorrow, relieve and as well frustration. He hated this and he swallowed harshly.

"Harry, from this point on. You are free." Dudley said and something broke. What it was he had no idea but as soon as the words left his legs gave up and he started to sob loud. A pair of arms wrapped around him, making him flinch and shuffling away.

He was scared and terrified. Not even knowing who had right now hugged him. All he wanted to hide from everything. From the baddies. Harry wasn't wanting to be here. He was terrified and in pain.

"Hey, can I hug you?" Dudley asked slowly but he shook his head continue to sob. The only one he wanted to let him hug was Daddy. Maybe that was why he wailed harder. Someone was carefully hugging him and he winced and letting out a whine. No way was he wanting him to touch him.

"Hey, kitten it's me. Dray remember?" It was asked softly yet with care and he relaxed. Starting to cling onto his Daddy. Hands gripping the fabric tightly and head buried into the neck. He could hear him whispering soothing words.

"It huwts." He whined out and Daddy rocked him softly as trying to calm him down. At some point he heard someone hum and soon he felt his ouchie go away. His cries turned into sniffles, yet he wasn't wanting to fall asleep. Not after he had been that long away.

"How about you go and take a nap, huh kitten? When your awake I pinky promise you that I will be with you." It was said softly and with care. Even his little fingers taken into the other's little finger. So that he sniffed as well as nodding. Falling asleep in the arm of the person he trusted the most.




His eyes cracked open and instantly sniffing thinking that he was left alone. But he soon realized that he was curled into someone's lap. At first, he wanted to cry but as soon as the familiar scent of Dada came, he relaxed and sucking on the paci. He felt nonverbal right now and didn't want to be big at all. As well that he was holding Ray. He hugged his friend tighter.

"They need to be punished, the only one who has actually freed was Dudley. From what he told us he had been nothing but kind to my boyfriend." It was said in a hushed tone to someone. He couldn't care less about who and starting to play with the fingers absent mindedly of Dada.

"I will use the mist and make sure that they will never remember Harry. But we also need to do this to Dudley." Chi said and he pouted as he wasn't wanting Dudy to forget him. Dudy had been kind to him.

"Oh, look who is awake." Dada said with a soft smile as well as added to it. "The most adorable bean ever." It was cooed and he giggled and snuggling into his arms more.

"Dada, Dudy no fowget Hawwy." He pouted and giving his Dada a pout soon. Even when Dudy had been unkind to him, he could tell that Dudy had been just doing what his parents to do. It wasn't his fault and he had been a child.

"Harry look. I know that you would want Dudley not forget you, but the risk of you getting hurt by him again when remembering is too high." Dada explained and he pouted as still not liking this. Because Dudy could be changed and so far he had helped him. In the past four days he had been there but not the others. This brought him back to his big space. Putting his pacifier away.

"I don't care. He had been there for me the past four days of hell. Where were you? Huh, not there. So, no." He glared daggers at his boyfriend, and it was obvious that he was pissed off.

"You sure? From what I gathered Dudley had been as unkind to you when you had been in your childhood." Chiron asked and as well explained and he huffed out at this.

"Well, it was his parents who had told him to do. He explained this to me when I was under that goddam spell. And I don't care about cursing right now because I am not little." He huffed out and not caring right now about cursing.

"Sorry Harry but everyone agreed." It was said by Draco and he took a deep breath. It was bullshit. And he hated this so much. Dudley had helped him, and this was the thank for it. So, he stood up and walking out of the room.

"Don't follow." He growls out and leaving as using a spell. His gaze going around as he was met with Dudley. The teen blinked and stared with him with wide eyes.

"Let's leave. I don't want anyone to find us and I rather not want you to lose your memory of me." He explained and he knew it was risky but screw this. He rather wouldn't want him to lose the last relative. The teen had helped him, and he doesn't care.

"No, I agree with them. It's my way to atone with what I have done." Dudley said and he opened his mouth but closing it again.

"Why? You clearly regret it and it wasn't technically your fault but your parents. So why?" He asked with pure surprise and Dudley smiled sadly and he knew he couldn't change his opinion.

"Because it's better for both of us. I know your hesitant and even when it came from my parents, what I have done was unforgiving." His cousin said and he bit his lip. It was clear that the other is set on.

"Fine, but I don't agree with this at all." He grumbled out. Both said their last goodbye. Because he knew that he would probably never see them anymore. That he would lose his last relative he had. Someone who tried to change. Yet Dudley was right, and he hated this.

With this he left and teleported once more away....

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