Chapter 2

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His eyes opened and he had to make himself to get up. His body was sluggish as he was making himself ready and after walking with his friends, he just felt like he couldn't walk at all further. Almost tripping more then once. It was really bad, and he knew this. But he had no idea how to deal with the stress anymore.

The urge to get some things got even worse now and all he wanted was to cuddle with a plushy, play with something, have a paci and suck on it. Yet he knew that he won't manage to get to do these things. He was almost an adult and it wouldn't do any good for him. So, he had not told anyone about his urges.

"I am sure that the teacher would understand you staying in bed, Harry." Mione said concerned for his health. It was something that they said the past week, but he shook his head. It wasn't good as he needed to get through this day. Surely it can't be too difficult.

"Just at least warn the teacher because they can cut you some slack." Ron suggested and he nodded slightly, tripping and landing straight into the arms of Malfoy. Not something he wanted but he was too tired to care that he was, right now, in the arms of his crush.

"Potter?" It was asked in confusion and he hummed almost falling asleep and going slack but waking up as soon as he realized who that voice belonged to. His cheeks flushed at this and he was utterly embarrassed about this.

"M'bad..." He mumbled as stepping aside but Malfoy had still and arm around to steady him. It was now that he realized that he would have ended up falling asleep. Which was why Malfoy dragging him away, but not without him telling the two that they should get going and that he would be fine. They looked doubtful but in the end they left.

He was now alone with Malfoy and there was a clear concern seen on the storm grey eyes and even the expression was for once showing this. A weird thing, and he fidgets not being used to seeing that kind of expression on Malfoy.

"Okay, what the hell is going on with you Potter? Shouldn't you be happy and smile, being your goofy self? Yet you almost fell asleep, have sleeping bag under your eyes as big as the mount Everest, your pale, look like haven't eaten enough and all and all you look shitty, no offense." Malfoy questioned him with a raised eyebrow and even concern to his surprise.

"Why does this bother you, Malfoy? You never cared but now you do?" He snapped unintentional back and winced at his harsh tone. He even apologized to the surprise to Malfoy.

"Just because we had our difference doesn't mean that I be concerned for your health. Even the most oblivious person can tell that you hadn't slept much and that you're not healthy either." It was pointed back and once again he wince, not knowing how to react to this. Nor does he know what to tell the other, out of fear made fun of.

"I-..." He couldn't get something out and avoided looking at Malfoy. The male was heard letting out a sigh and he shuffled more now.

"After school, wait in front of the Slytherin dorm. No excuses, Potter you hear me?" Malfoy warned and leaving him alone with pure puzzlement. But not without Malfoy yelling to him that he better shows up or he will drag him to the dorm. Yet he decided that he might as well try and make amends with the other. But this made him wonder what had changed Malfoy. He shrugged this off and walking into the dining room. With his mind constantly being on the conversation with Malfoy.

Still wondering why, he wanted him to get to the dorm. Not to mention that he had pointed out how bad he looked. It wasn't that he had not realized this yet, but he just couldn't do much about this all. The stress was catching up and the nightmares weren't better. All he wanted was some slack and just some sleep. Not too surprising that he had falling asleep more in the classes. The teacher was letting him sleep as knowing that he had not slept well.

For once he was glad, but he woke up instantly again after just a small sign of that nightmare. He shuddered and shaking his head off the panic. It wouldn't do good having this in the middle of class. It worked semi with him concentrating on what he could feel, see, taste and hear. It helped him to focus again.

But he just felt more and more tired and he fell asleep once again. But like always he woke up. This was a cycle the rest of the morning. In the breaks he was forced to take a nap, but it worked not too much with his nightmares. His friends were lost at what to do and he really should talk to the teacher but had not wanted to.

It was not that they could do anything as the sleeping draughts clearly had not too much effect. So that he just decided he might as well let them be. The rest of the day was the same way and he almost walked back to his dorm; wouldn't it be for him remembering that he had to get to Slytherin's dorm. Not that he wanted to as he was damn tired but because he knew that Malfoy would drag him to the dorm. So, with this on his mind he turned and walked to the Slytherin room. He just felt not really wanting to argue with Malfoy as he knew how much of a stubborn at the other could be

Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson (Drarry and Jercy)Where stories live. Discover now