Chapter 25 end

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Dray's pov

A heavy sigh escaped as watching his boyfriend leave. This was not something that he wanted to happen but having the Dursley's memories disappearing of Harry was the best option. He would be protected and nothing else would happen. This reminded him that Dad would have his head when he would leave Harry.

Because both knew that the other was impulsive. Maybe this was why he was rushing outside just to see that the other vanished. Even after searching and he cursed under his breath. This was not good, and he felt as well guilty about this all.

Had he realized what Ginny planned, would he had stopped Harry from being taken. But now he had messed up and thinking that he had lost Harry. His boyfriend surely would not accept this, and he looked furious at them.

"I am sure that he won't break up with you." Annabeth reassured and he could just hope that Harry would be found and that they would make up. That was all that he wished for and he stressed out once more.

"I know but it's the concern about him. God knows where he went, and I worry that he could land somewhere dangerous with his luck." He groaned out and taking a deep breath not wanting to anything to happen to his beloved. That was all he could hope for.

Back to Harry

Harry cursed under his breath as he landed in the middle of dining hall in Hogwarts. Not something he expected, and it wasn't helping that all eyes were now on him. Making him wince and shuffle slightly.

"Uh...hi?" He greeted awkwardly and the others still stared until his two best friends starting to send a furry of question to him. Each got answered other then what had happened. He stayed tight lipped about this.

"Well, Potter your coming with me to this instant." Snape's voice sharply answered, and he ended up wincing up following without any arguing back. Wouldn't work and he rather wouldn't want to have any detention.

"Okay now that we are alone, let's talk." It was said less sharply, and he shuffled as looking around the room. It was looking like an apartment and he guessed that this was the place where Snape lived. He stayed silent for a moment, but a nod was given. Making Snape look at him sharply and he shuffled once again.

Sevie was making sure that he was alright, and he relaxed now that he knew that the other wouldn't try to get something out. Not to mention he was exhausted and just wanted to rest. Maybe this was why Sevie had decided that he could rest on the couch.

Not something that had to be said twice. He ended up falling asleep there. But not without having nightmares and waking up after an hour. This went on for the rest of the night and even with the sleeping draught.




The next morning came and Dray woke him up. He winced and avoiding his gaze knowing that Dray was not pleased with him. Yet he had not expected being pulled into a tight hug.

"You moron. You're an absolute git." Dray said with pure relieve and he could tell that he had scared the other. So that he hugged him back and apologizing instantly.

"No harm done. Just glad that you're alright." Dray softly said and he nodded into his arms. A kiss was given to his temples making him know that Dray wasn't too mad.

"Okay, new rule needs to be added." Dray soon said after pulling away. He knew that whatever would come was because of what had happened. Yet he nodded and waiting for Dray to continue.

"When little, you always will stay close to either Daddy or a babysitter. Another thing is that don't go with strangers." It was said seriously, and he nodded as being fine with this. It was a rule that made sense. So, he agreed to it as knowing that it was safer for him than ending up alone when regressing.

Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson (Drarry and Jercy)Where stories live. Discover now