Chapter 6

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The next morning was extremely difficult for both of them. Him not getting out of little space and he was tired as well. He had nightmares and had not slept well. This woke up Daddy and he felt bad. Because Daddy now looked tired.

"Sorry, Daddy." He muffled and he managed to age him up at least at 10 years but that was all that he managed to do.

"Hey, no need to apologize. But I need you to play big kids instead, okay kiddo?" It was asked seriously, and he nodded, not liking it but it was better than nothing.

So then he changed into his big clothes and pouted, not liking it. He wanted to hold Daddy's hands, but he knew it wasn't possible so that he was grumpy the entire way. At least he got to eat with Daddy but sadly he had to feed himself, even when he wished Daddy to feed him.

He chatted with Mione and Ron, and Daddy occasionally was talking as well. Then the first class started, and he wasn't liking this. It was boring and he rather wanted to play something. It was not possible right now. The teacher had called him more than once and was tempted to stick his tongue out at them. (Mood XD)

It was unbearable for him and Daddy was giving him a warning look. He knew that he was on thin ice right now, but he just couldn't concentrate. This went on the first class and then the next one. He was getting grumpier and grumpier. Until he done exactly this. Resulting into the teacher calling him out on his behavior. By now they knew of his age regression, students hadn't so that it was making them confused why he was acting that childish. As soon as they were out, he was dragged away to a place where no students were. He knew that his Daddy was not liking this.

"Do not talk back to teacher and as well not stick your tongue at them, you understand young man?" It was asked sternly as they were right now alone. He pouted.

"No, I was bored, and I want to play." His voice was grumpy and like a 10-year-old.

"Harry, don't make me use the time out." It was said warningly, and he pouted even more. But not saying anything.

"Okay fine, we still have time before having to get to our next classes. Turn around and do not turn back and talk to me." It was said and he stared with wide eyes and nodded sadly. He knew that he had messed up. But it wasn't his fault that the classes were boring. He just had to do it.

So he turned around and waited for that damn thing to be over. He knew exactly that he was getting into massive trouble. But he wasn't getting why he had to be in class. He was ten and this thing was too confusing, and he couldn't understand it.

"Alright, ten minutes up. Tell me bud, why did you get punished?" It was asked softly yet with the same caring tone he always used.

"Because I talked back to the teacher and stuck the tongue out..." He mumbled but still not really liking it.

"Good, now where is the sunshine smile, huh buttercup?" It was asked with a hair ruffle. He giggled and loving the attention that he got from Daddy.

"Sorry Daddy, I didn't mean to." He mumbled and feeling guilty. "But it was so boring, and I just couldn't understand what was tried to explain.

"I know sweetheart, but you still should not have done this." It was explained and he nodded. They started to walk again, and the next few hours were the same. Daddy had to talk to the teacher, and he was alone.

"Hey how about I show something fun to you?" Jamie said and he titled her head at her. What fun was she talking about?

"Um, I need to stay here. Dray doesn't want me to go out on my own." He explained still in his headspace. To make this weirder she wanted to show something to him. But he still couldn't understand it.

"I am sure Draco doesn't mind it. You're an adult and don't need supervisor." It was said and he furrowed his brows but nodded because it sounded like the right logic to him. So, he followed her, and he was confused when she held his hand. It puzzled him but he liked the attention that was given to him.




They continued walking deep into the woods and by now he felt scared. This female had not said anything yet. So that he felt more anxious and slipping a bit deeper. Around 6 years old now. It was scary and he wanted nothing more than his Daddy. Maybe running away would be the better choice. But the issue was that they even teleported somewhere. Why and the reason had not been told by hm.

"Um, why are we here, Jamie?" He asked softly yet fear was clearly heard in his voice.

"You took him away. He was mine and you thought you could just take Draco." It was sweetly said. Too sweetly and too coldly. Shivers felt all over his body and heart sped up at this.

"Hell nah, Dray isn't yours. He is no one and has his own mind. We are just friends." He huffed out and glaring at her. Even his six-year-old self wasn't going to take bs from someone. Oops a nono word, lucky that his Daddy can't read minds, or he would be in trouble for breaking rule number 2. But right now, he couldn't care less about this. He was scared and feeling alone in these creepy woods. Reminded him of Hansel and Gretel. Just that he was without a sis. Other that, this person was exactly like the stepmom of this story.His mind was too occupied just to realize that he was going down with a thud, him not managing any movement. Another creepy thing that was happening to him.

"Hah, did you really think that I would have shown you something fun? Nah, and I am going to take this away as well. Have fun in the dark woods.~" It was sweetly sneered and he was left alone , having no way to move. Something about a spell that she used. He shivered and lips quivering now. He had no way back, no way to move and he could not even talk.

So that he sobbed unintentionally. He was still in the same mindset although not too small. So that he couldn't understand what was happening.

"Oh you poor baby." A female voice was heard, the woman had long blond hair and greyish eyes which looked concerned at him.

"You alright, my poor boy?" It was asked and he could just continue to stare. The female picked him up and rocking him softly. He sniffed and feeling comfort into the hug.

"Seaweed brain get here now." The female barked out and he still couldn't move at all. It was scary for him.

"Oh, what do we have here?" A male with sea green eyes and dark black hair cooed this. His hair was even disheveled, and it looked like he had been in the beach. Even having sea scent and he was confused at this.

"I found him here. The poor boy hadn't moved or talked. Think we need to get to camp and ask the children of Hecate. Surely they know what to do." It was explained and he whimpered softly, feeling scared about this entire situation.

"Hey, little rascal. We won't hurt you and will make sure help you out, okay?" It was asked softly, and he felt himself cuddled into the arms of the male. But he was feeling a wave of safety with this person.

They soon left and he was feeling safe and warm into the arms of this person. At least they seemed nice and haven't done anything. But one thing he wondered, why they called him boy? He was an adult or not? At least from what he remembered, but he was feeling exhausted and falling asleep instantly.

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