Chapter 20

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Harry had never -or at least not a home- looking that big. It was massive and he could just gape at the mansion in front of him. Dray smirked and chuckled at his reaction and could just puff his cheeks out at this. God, he was feeling a pang of jealousy for his friend.

"Woah, you really live here?" He asked in surprise and Dray nodded as giving him a hair ruffle. Making him shrink down as well as having a flushed expression. He just felt like he wasn't belonging to a place like this. It wasn't helping that he felt scared to meet his parents.

They had survived, and he wasn't sure how this will go. Dray mentioned that his father had made amends with him and showering with love. It was making it not better as he felt once more jealous. But also, happy knowing that Dray at least had his family.

"You are so lucky." He mumbled out and Dray knew exactly what he meant with this. Pulling him into a hug, as he soaked the comfort of his friend yet crush.

"I guess I am, never really had thought about how lucky I was until I got to know you more." It was explained and the two pulled away. Dray looked even with a soft look at him, making his heart skip a beat. It was making him realize how much their friendship grown this year.

It made him at content knowing that he was finally friends with Dray. They walked soon inside, and he was greeting with both of them of the parents. them of the parents; Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. Both gave him a smile and he shyly smiled back.

They seemed to clearly change, and their eyes held not the viciousness he once had seen on them. This reminded him that Dobby had been away. He gave him the freedom to do whatever he wanted to do. Which was why he hadn't seen him, and the elf deserved this after almost dying.

"Welcome back my son." It was said with a warm tone that made him stare for a moment. It might be rude, but he couldn't help it. Like heck these two the last time looked at him like he was the worst person ever.

"And Harry it's nice that you decided to join us. We have much to converse about and I wished firstly to apologize for all the things that had been said and done by both myself and my wife Cissa." It was said with warm yet sorrowful expression. Even the tone was the same, leading to him smile a bit more.

"I would love to make amends with you two as well, Malfoy sir and mam." He softly replied and making it instantly clear that he can call them by first name basis as he was good friends with Dray. So, he accepted this. They walked over to the living room and he looked around in awe.

"Take a seat and let's get started, but not without any tea and snack of course." It was this time Narcissa who talked, and he nodded giving her a shy smile. He sat himself down with Dray right next to him.

The house elves came back with tea and some sweets. He hesitated as usually with the Dursley's he never got things like this. Not even asking as he knew he could get hit at or yelled. That was why he was hesitating with taking something. Until Dray gave him a nudge. He thanked them before taking a cup. They continued to talk, and he soon was knowing that these two were really changed.

They apologized and told him that he was always welcomed in their home. Leading to him feel the warmth spread through him. It was making him feel like he belonged to them. Not something he expected but loved that they had been accepted.

"Draco hun, how about you show him the guest room?" Narcissa asked soon and Dray gave a smile as answering in delight.

"Of course, Mom. Let's go Harry I give you later on a house tour of my home." As soon as these words left Dray's lips, got him dragged out of the room. But not without him chuckling fondly at the antics of his friend.

The room was massive. Even in Hogwarts had it been that big or at least not without him having to bunk with someone. The walls were white with golden ornaments. They looked like flowers and it was gorgeous. The bed sheets were light blue yet the bet itself was with some part of gold colored.

In front of it was a tv and event this was bigger than the Dursley's ever had. There were as well windows on the left, making him walk towards it. Outside was a massive garden with flowers blooming in all colors. From yellow, blue, red just any color that was known. Any flowers he had ever seen.

"This" He was speechless as he couldn't get anything else out of his mouth. It was something that he should have expected as Malfoy's are rich. Dray hadn't joked about this one bit. Reminded him that in his vaults he had as way too much too. He could never live a life like this. Even when this was gorgeous. It wasn't his life and Dray knew this.

"Told you so." Dray grinned at him and mirth twinkling into his storm gray eyes making them almost seem like a light blue. It was something that happened when Dray was happy.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." He huffed out and nudging him playfully making Dray chuckle and shaking his head at his antics.

"Okay, Potter." A mock tone was used and he muse at his antics as well. They soon were walking around the mansion with Dray showing him many things. They even had a library, a pool but more astonished he was when seeing a freaking quidditch field. It reminded him how much he loved the game.

"We could train later on." Dray suggested and he nodded speedily feeling at home here. It was just that he loved playing Quidditch. Which they had done, and he had a fun day. Even the meal was a bit lighter now. It was still a bit awkward on the edge but soon it was going fluid.

To make this even better he ended up with a new broom, a present from the Malfoy's. Dray had explained that his was old and he needed a new one. His parents complied and bought it to him. This made his heart swell in joy.

They were kind and hadn't once been mean to him. Two days later they ended up going back to Hogwarts and he had the best three days. Then again, since that day he found out about age regression, he had never been happier. Even when there were some rough edges.

Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson (Drarry and Jercy)Where stories live. Discover now