Rules for Harry and Dray <3

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1. We eat three meals a day, at least 1 to 1.5 liters, healthy snacks only, and we cannot forget the fruits. Once a day something sweet can be chosen. Even when being in big space, I don't want to have my baby boy pass out because you

2. We do not say nono words when being little.

3. What Dray says goes when little, no talking back, and no kicking.

4. No bad mouthing yourself and no self-harm, even when big and always come to Dray and we can talk it out. (No punishment but a long talk and reassuring words when these things occur)

5. Bedtime 9 and at weekends 10 (When big it can be as long as you want but please don't stay up too later or else you will be tired.)

6. No lying to Daddy when being little, or when it has something serious even in big space we do not lie about this. (Added after chapter 5

Rewards when Harry was good, twice a month you can choose one of the rewards stated. We can update it of course. <3

*A new plushie

*A snack or sweets

*A new toy

*A happy meal

*Dray will do your homework

Now to the punishments.

-Time out 10 minutes

-Earlier bedtime

-When breaking more then one rule Diaper punishment for a day, means that even when you're in big space you will be babied by me. This is the last resort, but when you can't take it anymore, choose the safe word (Dragon) and it will be stopped.

Rules for Dray OwO

1. Do not yell at me as I don't like it.

2. No hitting or anything that would hurt me, reminds me on them.

3. Do not use your Caregiver as an excuse to force me in doing something that I don't want.

Rewards, same thing applied for Dray uwu (A/N maybe someone has better rewards, but as for now this is what I came up with XD)

* I will make a meal, sweets or anything like this.

* I will get something for you (As long as it doesn't cost too much)

*You can choose what we do at the weekend


-Silent treatment for at least 10 minutes

-Help me out with my homework

-I get to choose what we do at a weekend

-I can color your body (because seems fun and for when more than one rule got broken)

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