Chapter 22

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The scream that ripped through the silence was as if someone was murdered but for Harry himself, he could just hear the loud thundering heartbeat in his ears. The shaking of his body and sweat trailing of his forehead. He was feeling cold yet warm as the terror was still in his bone. Making his blood feel ice cold.

He was dazed and trashed around. Fighting against whoever was holding him, as thinking that this was still the Dursleys. Thinking that Vernon was holding him down. Then the blankness came, and he stopped screamed. Stopped resisting. It took him a long time to realize that someone was right now hugging him tightly as whispering over and over reassuring words.

The next thing was the scent that caught into his nose. The familiar scent of mint. It was a scent that he loved and the only one who he knew was Daddy. Which made his breath shudder and he slacked down as gripping the fabric tightly. This nightmare was too real. It felt like the one dream he always had with Voldemort. Making feel on edge.

Scared that this could happen. Not even his Daddy could calm him down and usually he managed to do this. None could, not even his other sibling figure. But soon he was given to a female. The same woody scent which his mother had. He sniffed and slowly calming down.

"Mommy." He shakily replied and the female shushed him softly as telling him that everything was fine. He sniffed once again as snuggling into the warmth. His hands continued to grip her and not even letting one bit go.

"I will stay here, guess my little pup had a bad nightmare there." It was said with sympathy and he buried his face into her neck as trying to hide from everything. All he wanted and needed so desperately was his motherly love and comfort.

A soothing humming song was heard. He was feeling a calm wash over him once again as his body felt relaxed. Slowly he was feeling sleepy and feeling himself in a sleepless night, in the arms of his mother.




His eyes slowly opened, and he shuddered at the memory. Making him instantly feel the terror again. This wasn't the normal dream and he knew that this was a more then one. It felt too much like it had with Voldemort. This was why he shuddered but soon realizing that he was hugging someone. The person was hugging him back and he knew it wasn't Dray.

Dray had no boobs, adding with the scent that person had he knew that this was his mother. Instantly he relaxed as feeling calm once more. He knew that his mother would protect him. Also knew that she wouldn't harm him.

"Morning sweetie." Her voice soothingly yet calm, making him smile softly at her. She even had the same look and a motherly smile on her lips.

"Morning to you as well, Mom." He softly replied and snuggling into her arms. For him it didn't matter that he was almost an adult. Not after the frightful nightmare he had. Not after he hadn't gotten really much motherly love in his life.

Molly might be a mother figure, but they hadn't seen each other that often. Most of the times he had to get back to the Dursley's. Even when he wanted to stay as far as possible away.

"How are you doing? And I mean the truth and not half truth's there." It was sternly said and making his eyes drop knowing exactly what she meant.

"I wish I could say I am fine, but I would be lying to you. That nightmare was freaky, sorry that you had to come here and calm me down." He softly said and a hand going through his hair. It was soothing him and making his body relax instantly.

"No need to apologize, hun. I am just glad that you are feeling a bit better now." Her voice was soft yet also firm. Making him nod and not argue against her. She was stubborn and he really wasn't wanting to anger her.

"Okay, Mom." He softly replied and he stayed in her arms. Even when others entered, he clung on her, not wanting to move on bit. It was just that he wasn't wanting her to leave. Yet he knew that he had to. So, after they have eaten -which was in their apartment- he had let go even when it was hesitant.

When they started to walk to their first class, he stuck to Dray constantly. Almost sitting on his lap, to the confusion of others. None of the students knew that they were together. Other then, his friends. They were delight and even congratulating them. But there was now this issue Ginny.

The female would not like it as she was obsessed with him. Thinking that he was loving her. Not that he had ever told this to anyone. There was just on way that he could tell this to the other weasley's. Yet he could see her glare over to them.

Making him shudder at this and deciding to go that close that Dray even subconsciously put an arm around it. This was done without both of them knowing, as they just done this that many times. It gave him a protective feeling.

The rest of the day was like this and everyone knew something was up with him. As he had not been that drawn back. Even the teacher and to his utter surprise Snape had been pulling him to the side after his class and asking what's wrong. It was unexpected but also warmed him.

So that he explained that he had a nightmare that shook him to the core. It was short and this was all needed to be said. He left soon and instantly stuck to Dray again who put an arm around him. Yet he had not regressed.

Regressing right now was not something that he wanted. When they went home, he instantly regressed and Dray showered him with cuddles, kisses, huggles. Just anything that made him feel warm and loved. Daddy really was the best and he was grateful that Snape let Daddy stay with him.

This was all that was needed yet once again he had a similar nightmare. And like before he woke up in the middle of the night. This time Daddy managed to calm him down. He somehow knew how, and he guessed it had to do with Mommy. This went on for the next week, making all worried but it wasn't too bad as he had his friends with him.

Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson (Drarry and Jercy)Where stories live. Discover now