Chapter 16

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The morning was horrible or more the waking up. He was sore. Not even the kind of soreness that you have when trained but the soreness when you got hit repeatedly with a belt or anything that could hurt you. It reminded him of his childhood. And how many times he had felt this pain.

So that he wasn't even bothered enough by it anymore. Yet he still let out a whine out and hating the pain. Because pain reminds him too much of home. It was too close to what had happened to him. Leading to him trying to hug whoever he was hugging more.

Not even caring who it was. All he wanted was having the comfort of this person. He soon realized that it was Dray. And the male was shifting slightly and going soothingly through his hair. He relaxed more and feeling at least semi at ease now. Even with the pain he was feeling right now.

"It hurts..." He whined out and Dray continued going soothingly through his hair and soon the pain left after he heard him using a spell.

"God that was horrible." He huffed out and Dray gave him a sympathetic look. He had not remembered what went through the night as he had been asleep the entire time. Yet he still felt the pain, but more in nightmare fuels. He had dreamt the entire time about his time at the Dursleys. Which even now scared him.

Harry was pretty sure that he wouldn't be able to fight back out of fear. It was dumb because he was old enough to fight back but the fear held him just back.

"Dray..." He careful said and the male sat up, knowing that he was ready to talk about yesterday. He bit his lips and explaining to him that the Dursley's were still his legal guardian and that he felt really scared now.

"They won't. You are soon 18 anyway and then they can't get you." Dray reassured but he bit his lips and shaking his head. Soon crocodile tears rolled down. He couldn't stop himself from bursting into tears.

It wasn't just about the Dursley's getting him back but also him having a part of his childhood. Even when it was just a month. They had been the best in his life. So that he had mixed feelings. Feelings that were overwhelming him. Dray instantly pulled him into a hug and trying to calm him down.

To the point that everyone of his demigod friends checked inside and instantly hugging him. Resulting in a huggle pile. When he calmed down, he sniffed slightly and giving them a thankful look. They really were the best.

"It was decided that three of us are coming with you to Hogwarts." It was said by Annie and him ohed. And tilting his head, wondering how they would do it.

"Your headmistress was informed and was alright with this. As you are a demigod and needed to protect." Will explained and he nodded flushed slightly because he liked the thought of this.

"We used luck and Will, Nico and Leo." Perce said and he nodded as feeling happy to have the three with him. Leo because he was silly and fun to talk to. Then there was Will who helped him when he was little when his caregiver wasn't there. Then there was Nico who was fun to play with. Even when he was when being big the total opposite. Reminded him of grumpy cat.

Sometimes he was just grumpy but there was sometimes a small smile on his lips, whenever Will does something. It wasn't often that he laughed other when being little. So that he made it his task to bring him to laugh.

"Can't wait to show you Hogwarts and even let you meet my two best friends." He beamed and they started soon to pack. By now he was occupied to really think about the Dursley's.




McGonigal had been giving him a kind look and had welcomed the three others. She seemed to understand why they were there, and he was feeling glad about this. It was decided that they would have their own room, with Leo, Will, Nico and him being roommates.

It was a safety precaution and making sure that he would get enough help with learning about gods and everything that meant being a demigod. What was really cool, and he found it awesome. They were introduced as mythologist teachers. Or two, Nico and Leo. But Will was the new teacher for human first aid.

It was after all still something that could come in handy and he had no idea what the teacher will tell the others about his reasoning living with them. At the meal she explained that because of personal reason he would live with the new teacher. Resulting in him being in the spotlight. Not what he liked but it was better than her telling them what they're were.

There was as well the fact that Draco was overprotective over him. So that he sat with Gryffindors, to the confusion of the others on the table. Yet they shrugged it off knowing that the two of them were close. Then it was time to get to his new room. But not without getting his things in his old dorm.

Obviously his two best friends tried to get something out of him, but he stayed tight lipped. They stopped pushing soon when realizing that he wouldn't tell them. When entering he relaxed more knowing that he finally wouldn't have to worry when he would slip.

Draco was sadly not allowed to join them for today. It was strange for him, but the teachers didn't want to stress him out more -which was the opposite- so that he sulked not having him here.

"Come on, how about I am watching over you for just this evening?" Leo asked softly and with a grin on his lips. It held now teasing just a cheerful grin. It made him think about it and decided why not. The two were roommates anyway and he would slip anyway.

"Draco gave me the alright to add rules. I have one as you and I know that this rule hasn't been in there." It was said and he looked puzzled but waiting for him to tell the new rule.

"All rules apply for the babysitter who watches over you. That means I as your babysitter will have the right to punish you when you break the rules." It was said sternly yet softly. Something that he hadn't heard often Leo use. But it made sense to him and it wasn't really something that would change.

"Alright, but the same rules that Dray has apply to you." He added and Leo seemed not to mind it as he grinned at him.

"Obviously. It wouldn't be fair. Let's add this rule and then get you into something more comfortable, shall we?" Leo asked with glee and looked excited. It was adorable and he couldn't help but giggle at the antics of his friend. Leo reminded him of the twins. God, he felt a dread that these two would cause pure chaos when they would ever meet.

Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson (Drarry and Jercy)Where stories live. Discover now