Chapter 1

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A/N Before I start. A huge shoutout to Millie-T, the Drarry age regression gave me this inspiration. They're writing is amazing. Check their story out and with this one more thing. Like stated before, Age regression is not a kink. It's a coping mechanism. Do not sexualize little's when it's stated that this  has nothing to do with sex at all. Please accept this and do not ask for it. Thanks for reading my story and don't forget to vote when you like this <3.




The eight-year started, and Harry was feeling the stress after the war. Yes, he had defeated Voldemort, but he just had no idea what to do. Or how to cope with this all. His mind going into overdrive and constantly buzzing him about all the things that had happened.

The death of Dumbledore had not helped but at least Snape survived. The man had changed slightly and was less mean. It was strange for him, but Snape had been rather kind to him. When he asked him; he explained that he had made a grave mistake.

It had to do with his father, James, and he guessed that he had tried to make amends as he had been good friends with Lily his mother. His heart still longed for his parents, even after all years. It would never get easier. The reason was that he was similar to James and he just was reminded that both of -even when he wasn't that close friend with James- them died. It was not right and that was what Snape realized now. For Harry it was understandable and that was why he forgave him. But the Weasleys had helped a lot.

Yet he felt alone. Felt left, after he lost some of the closest people he had. It wasn't that Harry hadn't tried to move on. Tried to get going but it was hard. Sometimes he wakes up in cold sweat dreaming about Voldemort killing everyone he cared for.

Not just sometimes but almost every night. So, he hadn't slept much. He also stayed most of his holidays at home. As he just had not the energy to move one inch. Wouldn't it be for Ron and Mione, dragging him out of home, he would still stay inside.

They were the best friends he could wish for. Ginny and he broke up as it was just not working, and he wasn't feeling that attracted towards her. It had taken a lot of thinking of him and he realized that he was seeing her as nothing more then a sister.

Another thing he realized that his mind was constantly on Draco Malfoy. The git just couldn't vanish out of his thoughts. It was just that he felt the need to make amends with the other. Maybe now they could even be friends. God knows he needed it, but he wasn't sure about it.

Both were childish and they should be more mature to put their differences aside. Or that was what Harry believed. The drive back to Hogwarts was... stressful. Many people wanted to get to know him and congratulate him.

But all he wanted was sleep and have some quietness. Lucky for him Mione had pushed everyone out and Ron had helped. Yet even when he closed his eyes it came nowhere. It was annoying him. Maybe he could ask Madam Pomfrey for a sleeping draught or else he would just lose it.

They all went to Hogwarts, the normal -or as normal as it was after the war- routine with the new headmistress McGonigal. He zoned out most of the things that were said. He was just so damn tired. Yet he couldn't sleep, and he was feeling angsty now also.

There were also the anxious attacks that he got occasionally -okay not just occasionally- but many times. His eating habits were thrown out of the window since then as well. He wasn't that hungry, but he still made sure to eat something. Even when he had to force himself to eat.

It wasn't enough, and a pair of eyes were felt on him. Glancing into the direction he was met with storm grey eyes looking at him in concern. He was perplexed at seeing Malfoy look at him like this but looked away quickly. That the git would look at him like this was not something he expected but it warmed his heart. He soon left and walked to Madam Pomfrey, getting the sleeping draught and then leaving again.

His body was feeling sluggish and he was utterly exhausted. All he wanted was sleep and hopefully he would get one good night's rest. Yet even with the draught his night was full of night terrors. Resulting in Ron having to wake him up.

Ron silently pulled him into a hug, and he clung on him as he starting to cry. It was something that he couldn't stop. The tears just flowed even without him wanting to. They stayed a while like this, until Ron tired to make him relax.

He talked about many things. It was semi helping and at some point, he fell asleep once again, being lulled by Ron's ramble about chess. It wasn't boring but he was just so damn tired. He woke up many times that night, so that he gave up at around five. His eyes staring blankly up the ceiling.

Then the dreading changing into his school clothes. He had almost no energy but knew that he had to get up. Or else he would be late to the first-class potions with Snape. God he really didn't want to. All that he wanted was to stay in bed and do nothing.

Maybe even cuddle with a plu- what was he thinking? He was almost an adult for Christ sake. But he couldn't' shake the feeling of wanting something like this. Wanting to have a plushy, wanting to have sippy cup. Just everything that screams toddler. But as well as this, someone who would take care of him. Make him feel loved, but he knew he couldn't have

Why he felt like this, he had no idea. Maybe -which was a possibility- that he had no one who took care of him like a parent. The closest to this was Hagrid or Dumbledore. But this wasn't enough, and they weren't even alive anymore. So that it was harsh for him and he wanted this, yet sadly there was no one. But it still confused him that he really wanted something like this.

It was weird and he hated that he wanted it. People will call him sick and that he needed help. They were not too wrong about this. He knew that he wasn't well anymore. His mentality had suffered greatly.

A groan went out as walked out of the toilet. Ron greeted him cheerfully, but he gave him just a nod, nothing else. Ron gave him a concerned look and even Mione knew that something wasn't quite right with him. But they shrugged it off thinking that he was just not awake yet.

They went into the dining room and he had almost not eaten anything. Like before he was stressed, and it wasn't helping that people were still watching him. But he pushed it aside and continued the day. But he noticed that Malfoy was occasionally glancing at him. It almost looked like he was worried, and it wasn't helping him. His stomach fluttered and he felt butterflies because of it. But in the evening, he was too exhausted to even eat anything.

It was worrisome for both of his best friends as he could tell that they were giving him concerned glances constantly. That was why he ended up going earlier to bed. Lucky for him he had two amazing best friend who brought him the food to his room, after telling the teacher that he was way too tired.

He ended up eating a little of something and then falling asleep once again. This went on for the entire week, until he was too exhausted to move at all with how weakened was. His body was too stressed out and he had no stress relieved. Ending with him staying in bed sleep most of the times, other when there was food.

The stress about defeating -or more like killing a living being- was catching up on him. It was just that he was guilty. Yes, Voldemort had been bad, and it had to be done, but this person was alive. He felt horrible about this. So that he couldn't eat anything, or almost nothing. His friends clearly realized this and tried to make him eat more. But he stated that he was just not hungry. Mione made sure that ate enough. So, that this wasn't helping his stress. At least Ron was less forceful then Mione. Nothing new as the female tent to be like this.

Then Monday came....

Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson (Drarry and Jercy)Where stories live. Discover now