Chapter 3

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Malfoy stood in front of the doors and as soon as he saw him, he grunted and dragging him inside, not saying anything.

Kind of rude but he should be used to this by now. So, he shrugged it off, not even having the energy to argue back. The Slytherins gave him variating glances up from some curious to others slight glare -which he winced- and then there were the once who had concerned one. A strange of mixture but showed him that not all were like this.

But the glares seemed more like fake and not really real. Because they had softened their eyes as soon as seeing him wince. It was strange but he couldn't question it more as he ended up getting dragged into a room.

The room looked like a typical Slytherin room. Most was green black and some snake patters. It was something that he expected. Door closed and even locked to his confusion.

"Just making sure that no one can hear us or march into my room." and he had no idea what to expect now. What was Malfoy's plan? Was he going to scold him? He had no idea what to expect from his rival by now. At least this was what he thought they were.

"I might know a way to relieve stress, a coping mechanism I might say." Malfoy explained and pointing him to sit down. He shrugged and decided to do this because he was far too tired to care.

"I know that you have pent up stress in you and from the black circles -which look like you have not slept at all- that you need something that helps you cope with this all." Malfoy explained and he was surprised how sharp he was. Then again Malfoy was sharp, and he should have known that the other would see through him.

"Just a thing, have an open mind and I know that you aren't going to laugh at what I suggest." It was explained and he hummed as well as nodding. Because right now he was way feeling none verbal. Too exhausted and tired to want to talk.

"Did you ever hear of age regression?" It was asked and stared at him with a blank look as he had no clue what the hell this was. It sounded odd and he had no clue what to expect of it.

"Uh no?" He answered with a puzzled look. Malfoy let out a sigh and muttered something not hearable under his breath.

"Okay guessed that much. To explain it simply, someone who age regresses, ends up regressing younger mentally then their actual age. It's a coping mechanism used by some people. They use it either because of past childhood trauma, stress relive or simple like being a kid. It's nonsexual, just thought I add this." It was explained and he let that sink in. The urge he had constantly even when he had been starting into Hogwarts had always been pushed aside. The want to have things that toddler's like. He always thought that this was not alright. He just always wanted to be a child and play but it was never something that he could have with the Dursley's.

"Potter you there?" It was asked and he blinked and humming slightly. He had no idea why Malfoy would suggest this nor how the other knew this. But it sounded really cool.

"Uh, sorry zoned out there. But why did you tell me this?" He asked with a confused expression but no judgement behind it. This was after all a coping mechanism and should never be made fun of. After all they aren't hurting anyone with this cping mechanism .

"Well I know this because there is as well another part, a person that is a caregiver. They can be anything called from, Daddy, Mommy, Papa, Mama, Sister, Brother just anything that a 'little' call these people. They helped out and watch over the little's in their regressed age. Not necessary always, some like to regress without a Cg." It was explained and he hummed still not getting where this was going. Then again, he was just so goddamn tired that his brain took a moment to even understand what Malfoy was saying.

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