Chapter 11

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One thing was confusing to all of the demigods; that he could read English. Which wasn't true as he used special glasses to make him read English or any language there was. That was Dumbledore's idea as he thought it could help, and it had helped.

It also explained why he had been so adamant about him not managing to stay still. It was never easy with school in Hogwarts. Many times, this trait was bringing him into massive trouble. But not always. As before he started with the regression, he had not enough energy and almost falling asleep. Now at least he understood it and he wasn't really caring about what he was. It was just another part of many issues there were.

"Well I guess it makes sense now." Right now, he was in a conversation with Dray, Neeks and Will. He quite liked the nicknames of Nico and it stuck. Now a week later and it would take another three weeks to go until he would be back to his age. But so far, he liked it, and everyone was nice or almost everyone. But there was still something that bothered him as some send dirty looks over to him. Some even trip him when no one was looking.

Why he was not sure, but he was sometimes really intimidated by it. Reminded him way too much to his Aunt, Uncle and Cousin. The thought alone made him shudder. Not even realizing that he zoned out once again. That was until he got nudge and a concerned look was given. Resulting in him giving them a reassuring look and a smile as well.

But on the inside he wasn't alright, and he wasn't wanting to bother Dray. The other had surely better things to do then having to listen to his whining about. At least that was his thoughts. Dray clearly knew something wasn't right and when they were alone, a stern yet soft look overcame the other. Even arms folded and he knew that Dray was going to try and get it out of him.

"Alright, I know that your hiding something from me. What did we talk about not talking to Daddy, munchkin?" It was even said in his father voice and leading to him slipping slightly. Yet he tried to stay big because right now he wanted to stay big.

"I am fine Dray." He reassured but the look that was given to him made him shrink down. Because he knew that he was lying to Dray and lying ends up in a punishment.

"You aren't, and I can tell something is bothering you. So, get out with it, or do I have to put you in time out young man?" It was said with the same voice and he hated when he was looking at him like he had done something. But he stayed firm.

"Okay because you are still lying to me, up to the corner and I will make it 5 because I know that whatever is bothering you is serious and we do not lie about serious things, Harry." It was said and this time no pet name, knowing how much in trouble he was yet he still stayed firm.

"No, I am not little right now and I am not going to the time out, Malfoy you git." He grumbled out and wanted nothing more then get to sleep. He was tired and felt the same dreading exhaustion that he had before starting regression.

"Harry James Potter, we talked about this. And I am not being a git. When your being big and still break the rules which some are active even when your being big means time out, but you know what. Because you still telling me nothing, you go early to bed." Dray said and he huffed out and couldn't care less. Because he wanted nothing more then sleep. Which he did, even going earlier then usual.

He even ended up with no sweets today, not fair but he knew he deserved that one. He went against more than one rule, when he was semi big. The issue was that not even he knew what was going on with him. He had this morning been even grumpier, felt the need to snap at everyone. There was as well the want to slip but not even this worked.

It  was because these people were saying not so kind things about him. That being gay was gross and wasn't right. Then the fact that they were talking bad about him being a little. Thinking that this was super gross, and that people like them should be ashamed. This led to huge complications that he subconsciously wasn't wanting to be little. He wasn't wanting to regress yet at the same time he wanted to. Dray clearly realized that something was going on and like yesterday it ended up with the same argument.

That he was even grumpier and snapping at Dray without even wanting to. Obviously instantly apologizing, but like before he stayed tight lipped and Dray tried to regress him, but he didn't want to. So that this went on for a week. A long harsh week that he in the end of the week he was in the morning too tired to even move.

Not to mention the harsh nightmares he got each night. This was bad and he was feeling more and more stressed out. This time he stayed curled up in bed and unmoved. Even when people called, he just let out a groan and ignoring them.

Leading to this conversation with Draco. The male was fed up and felt like he was going to lose him as a caregiver -which was not something that he would want to- and a good friend. He wasn't wanting to ruin this, yet he had no idea what to tell him.

"Alright, Harry I am way done to let this continue on. I am both talking about the fact that you haven't been little, nor have you talked about what's bothering you. I am not blind and can tell that there were some assholes pushing you around." It was said and he fidgets knowing exactly what he meant. But he couldn't tell him. It would burden this up for him. But his mouth had a different thought then what he wanted to say.

"I don't fucking know." He snapped back unintentional. Grumpy, emotional and stressed not the best combination because he started burst into tears now. Because he didn't want to lose Dray. This would be the hell on earth when he would lose his friend.

He hadn't even realized that he was pulled into a hug and rocked softly up and down. Yet he continued to cry because he wasn't wanting to get little. It was clearly not right, and he felt like he was doing something wrong.

"Harry, you and I know that you need to get little or else you won't feel relaxed." Dray explained but he shook his head still crying as well feeling both of his spaces clashing against each other.

"How about we put you in a cute onesie, giving you Ray, your soft blanky and your paci, my cute little prince." Dray cooed and he pouted but really liking the sounds of this.

"Nu, don't want to." He grumbled out and Dray let out a sigh. He gave him a look that told him 'alright, tell me why not?' and he shifted slightly but telling him what they told him.

"That explains it and it's wrong what they told you. We are alone here, and no one is going to judge you. Surely Percy wouldn't, and I just want to see you happy. And this makes you happy, who decides what you can and cannot do when it makes you happy?" Dray softly said and he nodded. So that Dray  starting to get Ray and putting him into his arms.

"Here ya go, your friend Ray missed you." It was said with a soft yet cheerful tone. Cheeks heated up at this but liking it. Yet he hadn't managed to regress. He whined at this and hugged instantly. His gaze followed as he otherwise watching silently as Dray went to get his paci.

"Here you go sweety pie." The same tone used and the paci was put into his mouth. He slowly sucked on it but not without a whine. But he felt slowly slipping, it was also helping that Dray had used pet names and telling him how well he was doing.

Soon he was into his favorite onesie and snuggle into the arms of Dada, loving the warmth as well protection. He giggled as getting pepper kisses. Forgetting why he had been trying to push his little side away.  He finally felt relaxed and falling asleep. Finally having a calming rest.

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