Chapter 17

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Leo was giving him the dragon this time. He hadn't had a name yet, but he remembered that there was this movie. The movie had this cute dragon and he decided to call him Toothy. Even giving him his paci, which he accepted instantly.

"Alright, little rascal. Do you want me to help you change, or do you want to do this yourself?" It was asked to him and he flushed as he wasn't sure. Right now, he was still big enough to change. So that he answered.

"Want to do it myself. Still big boy." He answered proudly and Leo ruffled his hair, as giving him the Tigger onesie and a pull up diaper. The male even left but told him to call when he was ready. It took a bit longer as he had troubles changing. And also, because him being clumsy.

When calling out he had a proud grin and even got a hair ruffle and a good job, from Leo. He made sure to play with him, but it wasn't like his Daddy. He wanted him and no one else. So that he was sulking from time to time. But shortly forgetting why he had been upset in the first time.

Then it was time to sleep and he so wasn't wanting to. Resulting to Daddy to come and he managed to make him fall asleep instantly.




The next day had been chaotic. Fred and George decided to show themselves to the school. Why they were here, was simple. They wanted to visit him and making sure that he really was alright. It was sweet but they ended up a massive prank.

Because no one could find evidence it was them, they had not gone into trouble. His little self-had glee with this. Giggling from time to time as watching everyone have different kind of hair color and different ears. It was super fun and even the twins had as well.

He got blue hair with bunny ears on top of his head. It was not something he expected but he couldn't care less. Leo was having the most fun with this and started to converse with the twins about any pranks. Gods this will so not end up well.

Lucky Percy and Jason weren't there or else it could just end up in an even bigger disaster. The teachers weren't pleased at this, but let it go as seeing the others looking not too bothered by this. Sadly, they had to go in the evening. He promised to come at the holidays to them.

Leo was...well he had been hyper. More than usual and annoying everyone. Even Will and the other was known for having patients. Leading to Dray glaring at the other and making him shut up. They were all doing homework. It was calm afterward even with Leo pouting. As well toning down.




It was a week later, and he had felt even bigger crush of Dray. But he knew that he couldn't tell this him. It was just that he feared that he would lose him. So, he had hid this even after 7 weeks now. It was paining him, and he wanted nothing more then start dating the male. Yet he wasn't sure how to approach this at all.

"So, what is it this time?" Dray sounded exasperation yet worry crept in his voice. Making him flush slightly but shaking his head. He wasn't going to tell the other why he was shying away sometimes from Dray.

"We talked about this. You do not hide things from me. For the sake for your health. Or do you want again be too tired to move?" It was said with a soft yet still stern tone. Leading him to flush deeply. He really wasn't wanting to tell the male.

"I am fine, just tired." He muttered as knowing too well that Dray will see through this. Yet he couldn't' tell him. The fear was making him just wanting nothing more then hide it.

"Alright, then head to bed. But this conversation isn't finished yet." It was said and he nodded at this. Instantly rushing into his room and changing clothes. Then he screamed into his pillow. What the hell is lady Aphrodite thinking in making him fall in love with the prat? Obviously, he wasn't meaning the prat part but it annoyed him that he ended up falling for someone who was straight. At least he thought he was. It pained him a lot knowing that he won't ever get Draco.




Room in pink. Sparkling freaking pink. Nose crinkled at this and he had no idea what this was. Not something that he preferred, and he had no idea why he would dream about this.

"You really still don't get it, Harry James Potter?" A female voice plopped out of nowhere as she was coming out of the glitter bomb that appeared. The female looked like the exact copy of Dray just in female. Which made him gape and flush deeply.

"Uh, who are you and why am I here, mam?" He asked softly as not wanting to offend her, not knowing that she could be like his Aunt. The thought alone made him shudder.

"Well, you should know me as Aphrodite and jeez are you a blind fool." It was said and he tilted his head and staring at her. No wonder was she gorgeous. This person wasn't someone he wanted to anger knowing that this was a goddess.

"Um, nice to meet you Lady Aphrodite but why did you say I am a blind fool? I don't quite get it." He answered softly and the female gave him a soft look. It reminded him of a look that a mother would give. One that he never got. So that he felt the miss of a motherly warmth.

"You both are blind. I wouldn't appear usually, but I see how much you suffered through the hands of your family. This is why I decided to butt in." It was explained and he flinched and shuffled slightly. The mentioning of his 'family' made him feel on the brink of a panic attack.

"Oh..." He still couldn't grasp what she was trying to achieve and all he was doing right now was waiting.

"Just tell Draco Malfoy. I promise you that it will end up well. You seem a bit pale, need a hug there?" It was asked and he was surprised that a goddess sounded like this. He opened his mouth but closing it again. There was just nothing that he could get out. The goddess of love telling him to tell Draco, and it wasn't helping what she asked him at the last part. But he couldn't help but shyly nod. Instantly he was pulled into a hug. He slowly hugged back and soaking into the comfort of her.

It was just that he was feeling the need for some physical comfort. Draco was helping but he never had really a motherly love. Yes, Molly felt like one, but he had not seen her in a while. He couldn't help but miss parents.

"Well, I guess you really needed this huh?" It was asked softly, and he could just nod at this. "I usually wouldn't but I just couldn't help myself. I could try to make your mother visit you. I am sure she would be delighted to finally meet you. What do you say?" It was asked softly yet caringly. Surprising him once again.

"Oh, um...yes. I would love that Lady Aphrodite." He softly said and the hug was left after this. That he got to hug her had helped him a lot.

"She will visit you in your dream, young demigod. I am sure that you will do great things in the future." It was said cryptically and then she left. Leaving him with more questions than answers.

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