Chapter 19

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It was Easter and most went home but he was dreading. None knew other than Dray, and the three others had not known about the extent this so-called family had done. They wanted him to Camp, and he really wanted to see everyone again as it had been two months now. But he knew that he had to get back.

"You're not going back Harry." Dray said sharply and making him flinch, but he knew that he couldn't stay away from his family.

"They will call the police when I am not getting back. And we both know that they are still my legal guardians. My hands are bound." He softly replied and Dray gritted his teeth, making him even look Angier. He shivered at this because never had he seen Dray that mad. But he also knew that he wasn't mad at him.

"No, you're coming with me and stay with my home." It was said and he opened his mouth, but the sharp look made him decide against it.

"I am sure that your family won't mind you going with Draco." Will reassured and he bit his lips because he knew that it could lead to another few beatings. But he really wasn't wanting to stay there. There wasn't anything there anyway, so he could as well stay with Dray.

"Okay, but I first want to get to Camp because I missed them." He shyly said and Dray ruffled his hair as a soft look overcame him. His mother had visited him almost daily in the same clearing at the same time.

They grew close and she even made him meet Poseidon. The male had been super kind to him and even apologizing. The two had also grew closer and his first reaction was...

"Woah, wait why are you here Percy?" He asked in surprise and joy. Making both of the two other god and goddess chuckle slightly.

"No my child. He is my son. Glad to know that you befriend him." The stranger said and he hummed and soon realizing who it was. His eyes wide and he gaped at this. Not expected that he would meet Poseidon. And he was even rude to him. He shrunk down in shame and feeling slightly scared of the consequences of him not being rude.

"Oh god, sorry sir Poseidon. Didn't plan to be rude, I swear." He said tensely, yet nothing came other than a hair ruffle. Making him flinch at first but soon relax as looking up slowly. The other had a soft look and he flushed as it was still something that he couldn't' get used to. Sometimes he wondered how he deserved this much kindness.

"It's fine, you call me Poseidon. I won't mind." It was said reassuringly and with a fatherly tone. It reminded him of Vernon whenever he looked or said something to Dudley. So that he flushed more, and a shy nod was given.

It took around two weeks for him to open more to Poseidon. The male had been nothing but kind to him. They grew close as well and he felt at ease, even when he was still slightly shy around him. The others were still surprised how fast he ended up getting into contact with a god and a goddess.

Today there would be other gods and goddess coming down to camp. That was just because they wanted to spend time with their children. That was at least what his mother told him. Which was why she appeared, him hugging her and even after they ended up in Camp. He still had not let go.

The gods looked copies of some of the people he knew. Like there was another Will, another Annie, Nico, Poseidon -which he had met-, Jason etc.

Poseidon walked up with Percy and someone who had one eye. A cyclops who gave him a bright and cheerful smile. He flushed slightly and smiling shyly back.

"Hey, squirt glad that you managed to get safety here." Poseidon greeted him and even a hair ruffle was given.

"Hi, Poseidon. It's thanks to Mom actually. But I am glad to see you too." He shyly replied glad to know that he had not stuttered.

Percy chuckled and pulled him into a hug. Which he returned and liking this a lot. Next was the cyclops who had made Percy to tell him to loosen the hug as it was a bit too tight.

"Oops sorry about this. My brother had told me so much about you and I am finally glad to get to know you all. Oh, I am Tyson." It was said and each received a hug which made him chuckle. One by one his demigods came. Their gods were staying for a moment behind.

The first one who walked over was someone who looked like a copy of Will. He fidgets slightly and feeling his cheeks flush. It was just that he had no idea what to expect of the gods. The male was looking at him with a bright expression. The kind of expression Will also had.

"Hello, my sons and daughter had told me many good things. I am Apollo." He got introduced with the same cheerful undertone that usually Will had.

"He-Hello sir Apollo, I am- My name is H-Harry Potter." He stumbled over his words and felt like he could face palm himself for sounding that awkward and shy. It was just that he was intimidated by someone who was one parent of Will. No way was he going to mess this up. The thing was that he just wasn't wanting to offend the gods or goddess.

"No need to be formal. Just call me Apollo okay?" It was asked firmly yet with the same cheer and he nodded. He wasn't expecting to end up with a hair ruffle but ending up subconsciously flinching. This was something that he still had not gotten away.

Apollo stayed and conversed with him and he had slightly shy over to his Mom. Will gave him a hair ruffle as well, but he was more at ease with the male. Helping him to relax slightly. Next one was Annie and the Annie look alike. She was Athena who had giving him a close look. It was making him stuck closely to his Mom. He swallowed and not liking the look he got.

But soon he received a softer look and she conversed as well with her. Annie had ruffled his hair as a greeting, and he was relaxing more.

There were other gods who wanted to meet him weirdly enough. He couldn't get why they wanted to see him. He wasn't someone that was needed to be met yet they done. Then Zeus came and he wasn't sure what to expect of this god. Because he knew instantly that he needed to be careful at what to say.

Yet to his astonishment had the male conversed with him like it was nothing. Jason grinned and giving him a wink. Which made him more confused. When the gods left -other then his mother and Poseidon- was explained to him that all gods agreed to make once a week a visit to their children as they deserve it.

The reason was what had happened to him. The day was full of fun and even when he was shy most of the times he felt at ease. This place felt like a family to him and he couldn't be happier. They stayed for the rest of the next day and then went to Dray's house.

Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson (Drarry and Jercy)Where stories live. Discover now