Memories- Pt. 2 : Unraveling The Pain Within

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N. Romanoff-*

 Natasha stared down at the small child with pity in her eyes, as the soldiers above them began to actively rummage the house.

 Only a thin wooden layer, not even an inch thick separated the two worlds, and Natasha knew that the kid understood this as well. They sat in the small compartment, still and quiet in contrast to the busy thumps of the soldiers in the cottage. But Natasha knew that they would find Night Stalker- Tilly, eventually.

 And they did.

The sound of a carpet rubbing against the wood was followed by a bright, shining light that suddenly flashed from above, the source getting brighter and brighter each second.

 "Ich habe es gefunden,"

 (I found it.)

 A rough voice growled in the distance, and the sounds began to soften into murmurs, like the whizzing of bees in a hive.

 Natasha closed her eyes, a searing pain striking them when she tried blinking through the light. When that wasn't enough, she covered them with her hands, the whizzing getting smaller and smaller with every ticking second.

 But then, the light was sucked out, leaving her in pitch darkness.

 Natasha slowly cracked open her eyes, just in case the light shined again, and realized that she was in a totally different place from where she started.

 Blinking, she stood up, her whole body aching from sitting in such a small space, and looked around.

 The room was dark, but still, it was elegant. The mahogany surface of the tables and bookcases were polished and soft, the carpet embroidered with plush red flowers. But, being an ex assassin, Natasha had a feeling that this wasn't an all bright memory. And in a few seconds, it was confirmed to be the right prediction.

 She took a few steps around, staring at the night sky through the glass windows, when she heard a sharp slap, and a few thumps, like something had fallen to the carpeted ground.

 Natasha turned her head in regarded curiosity, as she made her way down the large room, over to an open door. That's when she heard an angry shout.

  "Ich habe mehr von dir erwartet! Wir haben dir einen neuen Namen gegeben, ein Zuhause! Wie kannst du so nutzlos sein, die Hündin?!"

 (I expected more from you! We gave you a new name, a home! How can you be so useless, Bitch?!)

 Natasha cautiously walked into the doorway, but stepped back in surprise when she was face to face with a tall, blonde man. He stalked out of the room- Or to be more exact, went through her like she was nothing, stomping away in fury.

 The man looked vaguely familiar, and Natasha immediately remembered him as Schimdt, the leader of HYDRA a few decades ago.

 Blinking away the surprise and dismissing what had just happened, Natasha looked around the room, curious to what connection Tilly had with it. It was large, just like the one she had been in, but this one looked more like a library. books in all kinds of languages stood in the shelves, the light glowing warmly from above. A wooden table was placed in the middle of the room, the surface gleaming. Natasha started walking towards it, but she stopped when she heard a small shuffle from behind the table. 

 A small girl immerged from the floors, her whole body bruised and scratched, as she stared up at the doorway through the dark locks of hair. Then, her silver eyes turned to the table, which was now somehow full of books. Natasha narrowed her eyes. She was sure that the table was empty just a few seconds ago...

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