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Night Stalker-* 

Night Stalker-* 

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  Night Stalker stood there, her black uniform slick with blood from the last mission, alone in the dark, yet elegant room. No, that wasn't right. She wasn't alone. Her eyes shifted to the man just a few meters away from her, his eyes fixed onto a chess board, his fingers rhythmically drumming on the surface of the wooden table. Alexander Pierce disregarded the girl's existence, as he stared at the motionless chessboard spread out in front of him. His crystal eyes looked thoughtful, as he shifted in his seat, making Night Stalker flinch, just a little. 

 Alexander Pierce, then swiftly moved his hand, and knocked a white pawn a step forward, right in front of a bishop.

 Then, finally, he looked up to acknowledge the girl.

 "Come here,"

 He motioned, and Night Stalker stiffened her shoulders in distrust. 

 "Don't be scared,"

 He cooed, and after a small, unnoticeable sigh, the girl took a few hesitant steps forward, and took a seat on the small stool that sat on the other side of Pierce.

 Pierce smirked, as he continued the game. He didn't seem to mind that his opponent was invisible. No, nonexistent.

 The ownerless pieces on the board looked lonely and defeated without a tactician to lead them forward, and one by one they began to fall to the ground, a small clatter shattering the silence every once in a while.

 "Do you know the rules of the game, girl?"

 The man asked suddenly, and she blinked in surprise. But then, it turned to cautiousness. The man in front of her was a snake. With every action, he always had a reason behind it.

 "...Yes, Sir."

 She answered, after a few seconds of silence. How could she not? She would be inane if she didn't remember the rules, after all the times she'd seen him match with himself.

 Alexander smiled, and his crystal blue eyes bored into her. She avoided them, and with a slightly bloody hand, she picked up a black pawn in front of her, killing a white bishop on it's diagonal side.

 Pierce laughed, the laugh ringing out through the dark room like a tunnel would in the darkest of night, and rubbed his hands, eager to make his move.


 Just after a few minutes, Pierce smiled in jubilation, as he triumphantly flicked away a black knight, one of the last three pieces left on Night Stalker's side.

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