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E. 062144-*

 A small girl with jet black hair and silver eyes was being beaten in a small circular room by a guard, observed by a scientist with glasses and a clip board.

"Schwerer. Nutze deine Kampffähigkeiten!" Harder. Use your combat skills! 

The guard commanded  Experiment 062144, as she was kicked into a wall.

 "Aufstehen. Kampf. Mach was du gelernt hast!" Stand up. Fight. Do what you learned!

 The guard kicked her again, as she rolled over and whimpered. Her silver eyes flashed under the curtain of black, lengthy hair. 

 Shakily, but defiantly, the girl stood up. And then, glaring at the blonde guard, she picked up the knife that had fallen from her hands. The monster was beginning to rise. 

 Before she could stop herself, she was already behind him, a long line of blood drawn on the man's throat. His confused look was frozen onto his face even after he had fallen to the ground with a thud. And it would be forever so.

 Utterly terrified by what she had done, 062144 lost her grip on the knife, and the metal clattered to the floor with a loud clang. Red, thick liquid slowly began to touch her bare feet, and she scrambled back with a sob.

 Suddenly, she heard loud clapping from behind.

 Dr. Richardson, and Pierce, who had somehow come in without 062144 noticing, were standing there, admiring her work. The claps echoed through the room, slow and hollow, haunting.

 "Congratulations, child." Pierce smiled, his thin face stretching underneath the skin. "You have finally found your place."

 Pierce began to walk forward, step by step, and stood a few feet in front of her, his shiny pair of shoes soaked with dark blood oozing out of the dead guard's body.

 "From now on, Experiment 062144, you will become the Night Stalker."

 He crouched down in front of her, his blue eyes staring down hers'. 

"And you, will become our second aid weapon, assisting the Winter Soldier."


M. Meyer-*

 Mathilda opened her eyes from a hazy sleep, her head pounding in her skull. Somehow, she wasn't in the basement of her small cold home. She was outside, in the dark. Lingering flicks of amber light were shining all around her. Sensing that something was wrong, she slowly stood up, and looked around her, to see...




 Frozen from her spot, Mathilda's eyes watered. She knew that this would happen someday. Yet she was too scared to admit that at all. This was her fault... 

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