Trial- Pt. 3: Entertainment of the Eve

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E. 062144-*

 Tilly nervously looked out the window as the train roared on, snow filled trees and mountains glinting under the cold sunlight of day. 

 It was December. Just a few days before Christmas. 

 Mathilda stole a glance at Schmidt, who sat in front of her, calmly reading the newspaper he had snatched from a soldier's  hand.

 The brown long coat and the satin black hat that sat on his head were the only few additions to the attire she had always seen him in. 

 She thought that the man was taking her to her lessons when he personally came to take her away. However, she realized that something different was going to happen when he gave her a black dress, too soft and clean to be a normal prisoner's wear.

 And her suspicions came true when the man hauled her into a black car, that drove them both to a train station, something that she had only ever heard of. 

 The two were immediately escorted to their seats that looked first class, with black cushioned seats, polished tables and the windows purely transparent, not a speck to be seen. They didn't allow Mathilda a good glimpse of everything on their way, but it was enough to prove her conspiracies.

 Today was different, and something great happened, meaning that she wasn't slapped, kicked, experimented, or even starved. Instead, she was treated like a human. shunned, but still human.

 But she didn't feel happy about it. Mathilda stared at the man opposite of her, his gaze still wandering over the black printed words, orderly and neat.

She felt dread trickling down her back.

 Schmidt suddenly looked up, staring right back at Mathilda. He must've felt her gaze on him. The man gave a chilling smile as Mathilda flinched back, and turned her head back to the snowy outside in a hurry.

 What was he thinking? What was he going to do this time?

 But she didn't have to think about it for long. The answers were coming her way, Too fast for her liking.


 "Was ist das hier für ein Ort?"

(What is this place?)

 The girl asked, minutes after the train had come to a stop. Schmidt and Mathilda, along with a trail of others in black uniform were walking down a snow filled courtyard of some kind, a tall cement wall blocking her range of sight. Every step that was adorned in the snow formed dark grey prints of military boots.

 The buildings and metal constructions around them looked so abandoned and lonely that it looked haunted. The greying sky wasn't doing any good to lighten up the atmosphere, and some weird...burning smell lingered in the air. Smoke billowed out from one of the grey houses that were standing in a line, and guards were hauling around empty trollies, dark patches staining the metal.

 A gut feeling told Mathilda that this wasn't going to end well.

 "Na dann, Kind. Lass uns zu deiner Mutter gehen."

(Well then, child. Let's go see your mother.)

  The girl blinked.

 "Sie lebt?"

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