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Dedicated to: AnailriverMarvel

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Prisoner 56898-*

HYDRA Siberian Facility

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HYDRA Siberian Facility

 Prisoner 56898 was sitting on a creaking rusty bed, staring at the opposite wall with his sea blue eyes glinting. His metal arm held a thin pale blue blanket that he was supposed to use to warm himself. The dark, damp room that Prisoner 56898 occupied was cold, but with the super soldier serum, he didn't seem to mind the cold at all.

 Nothing special had happened since he had gotten out of Cryo freeze, a few days ago. But he knew that he would be back in the freezer in a few months time after he had taken care of his mission. 

 The man huffed as he stared at the cold light peering in through the metal doors, and his dark brown hair blew out of his face. 

 Then, all of a sudden, he heard a scuffle from outside.

 "Торопитесь, у нас нет целого дня!"

(Hurry up, we don't have all day!)

 The thud of heavy boots and the skidding of bare feet on the marble made the prisoner raise an eyebrow.

 Suddenly, the large metal doors banged open, and the bright light illuminated the darkness in a second. The man's eyes jerked towards the entrance, and the only things that he was able to see were two shadows cast by the bright light. But after another few seconds, his eye sight cleared.

The two shadows that he saw, he realized, were a tall guard and a small girl. The girl had dark, black hair and terrified silver eyes, her hands chained down and her whole body battered and bloody. She looked to be about 5 years old or something, but the prisoner had no idea how the hell he knew that. He'd never seen a girl before.


 The guard, huffing out an angry sigh, pushed the small girl into the dark damp cell and she fell to her knees on the floor. Her thin grey tunic covered only a small percentage of the fall, and she winced.

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