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 Night Stalker ran, as fast as she could. She was running in a very, very thick forest, full with greens and chirps of birds. The sun was shining through the leaves, and if she wasn't running for her life, she would've stopped to stare at the sight.

 Happiness bubbled up in her chest. She was finally free, finally safe! She didn't have a family, and she didn't have an exactly long time to live, but who cares? 

 She was already making up plans for her life. She would find some clothes to change, first chance she got. The one that she was wearing was grey and bloody, and would probably attract attention. When she was young, she and her father used to go to the market, with hats to hide the brown hair. It was always buzzing with stuff, stores and shops littered every where. She would have to pick pocket there for a living, but she would just take as much as she needed, nothing more.

 She would have to pick pocket there for a living, but she would just take as much as she needed, nothing more

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At one point, Night Stalker stopped. She could see shining bright lights...and...and towers...? That wasn't right. Not right at all, the technology.... That wasn't possible. This was America...But didn't Hydra tell her that America had lost? Then why was this place so.... advanced?

 She stuttered from her place, but began to run again, this time more urgent. Her old backpack that she had picked up, abandoned in the corner of a metal room, was bouncing nervously on her back. 

 When she was finally out of the forest, the first thing she noticed was a big, dark green, metal box thing. She cautiously neared it, and found a white sign that seemed to be indicating clothes. She perked up, and hastily began to undress, retrieving a number of clothes from the box. They looked weird, so much... better than the ones that her family, and the people of Germany used, but that was not in her mind. 

 After She wore dark green trousers, and a grey shirt, she fitted a grey beanie hat on her head, and set off down the very advanced looking road.

 It had weird white signs, arrows pointed this way and that. The girl began to feel off about the place. The clothes, the buildings, the-

 A sudden screech was heard from behind her, and the girl screamed as a big, white thing wheeled to a stop. A glass pane rolled down from the side of the machine, and a man stuck his head out.

 "Watch where you're going, kid!"

 The girl stared at the thing. She had never seen it before, but... wait.... actually, she did. Was that a car? But... it looked so much more... 

 The girl's eyes widened, and she began running down the road. A few people stared at her, but she couldn't care less. 

 Another car, this time a black one, honked at the child, and she flinched at the loud sound. 

 From the corner of her eye, she saw a store, a store with newspapers in the front. And because of her heightened eye sight, she could make out something.... A very, distracting something.

 Her eyes fixed to one of the papers, she slowly made her way to the stand

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 Her eyes fixed to one of the papers, she slowly made her way to the stand. The honks and yells, the screeching of cars were slurred in her ears, as her eyes focused on the words.

2014 May 17th.

 "Hey, kid are you okay?"

2014 May 17th.

 "Kid? What's your name?"

2014 May 17th.

 "Where are your parents?"

70 years had passed since she had left her home.


2014 May 14th

End of past.

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