Night Stalker

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 "Night Stalker. Do you copy?"

 Get out of my head. Get out. Can't. I'm going to kill them. Don't obey. Don't obey. DON'T OBEY!!!

 "Yes, Sir."

 The consciousness of the girl bit back a sob. She couldn't let the chip take full advantage of her mind. She was there, she could see everything and hear everything, yet she wasn't the same person. The chip was constantly taking over her mind, and made her think like a heartless monster.

And this was the 17th time that she had to go on an assassination trip out. 

 During that time, she had killed people. Dozens of people. She had killed children, babies, old men..... And during that time, she gained the name Night Stalker. 

 She couldn't stand it all, and realized that the world would be better off without her. Maybe....Maybe if she were dead.... Then everyone would be safe?

 But she could only think. Even if she wanted to die, that damn chip won't let her. Which was why she had stopped trying to kill herself months ago.

 "Okay, As I told you, you are to assassinate Suzuki Haruto, and his gang, smugglers who stole a few...serums from Hydra. You are to kill them all, and bring it back. Do not leave any survivors behind."

 "Yes Sir." 

 "Remember." The voice echoed.

 "You are a soldier. You obey."

 After a beat of silence, her voice returned. "Yes, Sir."

 But......I don't think this is the right thing to do.....No. Her mind hardened, forming her back into an ice cold assassin. Shut up. You are a soldier. Follow orders.

 From the view, it seemed that they were walking down some kind of field.... Farmland. It was dark, but she could see some kind of bright light, that looked really...artificial, and expensive. Maybe the technology had developed for the past 3 years. 

 Suddenly, her legs stopped from beneath her, and 062144, no. Night Stalker,  realized that they were in front of a cement building. She found that pretty weird, since until then, she only saw dark wooden traditional houses that she had never seen before. 

 She pushed the door open, and went inside, letting the dark consume her.

 As soon as she stepped in, a light clicked, and she could see that the inner part was as cement as the outside was. She found a doorway that led downstairs, which she cautiously went down. Then, she stopped. 

 A few meters away, men in black body armor turned around to face her. They gripped their guns tightly, and began shouting, alarmed.


 She twirled her gun in her hands. 

 "Night Stalker."

 The voice of Alexander Pierce buzzed in her ears.

 "No survivors."

Night Stalker whirled into action, running at top speed and grabbed the nearest man. Then, she jumped up into the ceiling, avoiding the bullets using the man for a shield Then, she slammed him down onto the cement for good measure. Rolling onto her feet, she slashed two men on the knees with her knives. 

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