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S. Rogers -*

 "I had no idea that this place even existed before we came here." The voice of Sam Wilson vibrated in the small jet.

 "Only knew Seattle, nothing else."

 "Well, that just means that you have to work on your geography." Steve said, as the small jet began descending on a large farming area. 

 The rolling hills were something that Steve had never seen before, and it reminded him of sand dunes in the desert.

 "I mean, what the hell, first the Winter Soldier, now it's 'Night Stalker'. Who the hell is 'Night Stalker'?"

 "Language, Wilson."

 "I'm just saying!"

 "Shut up, both of you."

 A red head, Natasha called out from the control room. 

 "one more word and I'm going to kick you out of my jet."

 "It technically isn't your jet!" Sam screamed as he stomped towards her.

 "Well, I'm flying it, aren't I?"

 As if to prove it, Natasha made the jet jerk up. Sam went tumbling down the jet, and was saved from banging into the wall thanks to Steve taking ahold of the nape of his shirt.

 "Anyone going to answer my question? About Night Stalker." Sam asked, as he stood up, brushing off his clothes.

"He's killed about 97 people in counting, including women and children. And if we don't act quickly, we'll have 98 dead today."

"How could a person even do that to another human being?" Raged Natasha, clear disgust on her tone.

 Sam dismissed her question, and brought up his own.

"How do you even know that he's here?" Natasha responded.

 "The HQ is always right, Wilson. They saw some kind of signal from around here."

 "And that's why they made us fly across the whole country?" Sam shouted.

 "Washington and New York is like, in the opposite sides of the USA! It's about, what, 2000 miles apart and-"

 "It's our job, Sam, let's just do it, okay?" Steve sighed. These two never learned.


1951 Spring


Night Stalker-*

 Night Stalker was not under control of the Chip. For now. But she knew that they would use it in a few minutes.

 She was in some kind of farmland. It had hills, rolling, and the moon was shining bright. It had been a long time since she had seen the world.. in her right mind. She was transfixed, at the beauty of the outside.

 She could see light in the distance. Those lights were artificial too, like all the others that she had seen, which she was always curious about.

 For some reason, she was never assigned to assassinations in towns or cities. It was always farms. She had no idea why.

 This was the 39th mission that she had to go on. And she had killed more than 90 people. She didn't want to think about it, but she did it. She did all of it, and she liked to do those disgusting stuff. Liked.

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