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1944 June 21

A small raven haired girl scuttled into the dark of a small, cold metal cell as Johann Schmidt, the current leader of Hydra, stepped in. 

 The man, tall and sharp, narrowed his eyes at the small figure cowering in the corner, staring at him with wide, bright, terrified eyes. 

 The man sighed. The girl....was small. Too small, but he didn't have any other choice. The other Jews that the Nazis had found were already in gas chambers or being gunned at. 


 a stupid looking man with glasses came staggering in. 





 The tall man scowled, and barked. "Das Datum von heute, du Abschaum!" 

(The date of today, you scum!")

 "Oh ... es ist der 21. Juni, Herr." 

 (Oh.. It's June 21, Herr.)

 The man huffed, and turned his cold gaze back to the child.



 The girl flinched.

 "Gib mir eine Antwort." 

(Answer me.)

 A moment of silence passed, until the girl let out a shuddering murmur. "Ja." 


 ""Von diesem Tag an,"

(From this day on,) 

 He said, " ist dein Name Projekt 062144. Verstanden?" 

(Your name is Project 062144. Do you understand?)

 The girl didn't make any movement. The man, impatient, bent down and grabbed her face with his hand harshly.

 "ist dein Name Projekt 062144." 

(Your name is Project 062144.)

 The girl showed a defiant gleam on her face.



 "Gut. Ich habe es versucht." 

(Well. I tried.)

 The man lifted his arm, and hit her cheek, hard with the back of his hand. The child flew into the other side of the wall, crashing into it as she took a painful breath. 


 The small man peered up at his leader over his dirty glasses. 

 "Gibt es etwas, das Sie brauchen, Herr?" 

(Is there anything you need, Sir?)

 "Nimm sie weg und schlag sie zusammen, bis sie gehorsam ist." 

(Take her away, and beat her up until she's obedient.)

 Zola nodded, and with a flick of his hands, two soldiers burst in with bats. Schmidt smirked, as he began walking out of the small cell. Zola was following him from behind, keeping his distance. As a small shriek erupted from behind, Schmidt began laughing like a maniac. Her cries of help returned with beatings, the girl began to quiet down, until nothing but metal colliding with flesh could be heard.

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